UK Guardian on Bolivia–and Rights for Nature

03 Environmental Degradation, Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Ethics, IO Multinational, Key Players, Policies, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Standards, Strategy, Waste (materials, food, etc)
John Steiner

Bolivia enshrines natural world's rights with equal status for Mother Earth

10 April 2011: John Vidal:  Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting all nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as “blessings” and is expected to lead to radical new conservation and social measures to reduce pollution and control industry

We should look to Bolivia for inspiration

19 Apr 2011: Jonathan Glennie: Bolivia under President Evo Morales is seeking a radical development model based on equality and environmental sustainability – and there are lessons we can all learn.

‘Indigenous thinking can solve climate crises,' says Bolivia's foreign minister

13 Apr 2011: John Vidal: Development, by the west, creates considerable imbalances and a million problems. Indigenous people can solve these, says David Choquehuanca, Bolivia's foreign minister

Peter Thiel (PayPal) on Education Bubble

04 Education, 07 Other Atrocities, Academia, Corruption, IO Impotency, Methods & Process, Misinformation & Propaganda, Standards, Waste (materials, food, etc)
John Robb

JOURNAL: The Education Bubble

Peter Thiel (Paypal and other ventures) has been making some waves for his position that higher education in the US is the next bubble.   In short, he's right.  Given what we now have available in terms of tools, it should be possible to get an Ivy league education for $20 a month.

Instead we are getting a stagnant product that is so out of date that it doesn't deliver much social and economic value.  Even worse: it's undergoing hyper-inflationary price increases.

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The solution to this problem is to help create employment  opportunities (like what we are doing with our open venture start-up) that don't use a degree as a gating mechanism.  A solution that creates its own educational modules if needed (from scratch using modern tools and techniques). A solution that delivers something better than an Ivy league eduction and then backs it up with economic and social opportunities that exceed what you get in the global econonomic and social sprawl.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Peter Thiel: We’re in a Bubble and It’s Not the Internet. It’s Higher Education.

Sarah Lacy Apr 10, 2011


Image Source: Mark J. Perry (read article)

Fair warning: This article will piss off a lot of you.

I can say that with confidence because it’s about Peter Thiel. And Thiel – the PayPal co-founder, hedge fund manager and venture capitalist – not only has a special talent for making money, he has a special talent for making people furious.

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Like the housing bubble, the education bubble is about security and insurance against the future. Both whisper a seductive promise into the ears of worried Americans: Do this and you will be safe. The excesses of both were always excused by a core national belief that no matter what happens in the world, these were the best investments you could make. Housing prices would always go up, and you will always make more money if you are college educated.

Like any good bubble, this belief– while rooted in truth– gets pushed to unhealthy levels.

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But Thiel’s issues with education run even deeper. He thinks it’s fundamentally wrong for a society to pin people’s best hope for a better life on  something that is by definition exclusionary.

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Thiel’s solution to opening the minds of those who can’t easily go to Harvard? Poke a small but solid hole in this Ivy League bubble by convincing some of the most talented kids to stop out of school and try another path. The idea of the successful drop out has been well documented in technology entrepreneurship circles. But Thiel and Founders Fund managing partner Luke Nosek wanted to fund something less one-off, so they came up with the idea of the “20 Under 20″ program last September, announcing it just days later at San Francisco Disrupt. The idea was simple: Pick the best twenty kids he could find under 20 years of age and pay them $100,000 over two years to leave school and start a company instead.

Read entire article by Sarah Lacy….

Web Stack

Phi Beta Iota: Read the chapter “Paradigms of Failure” in ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig (EIN, 2008) to understand that the depth and breadth of the integrity failure in the USA.  “Credentialling” is a form of top-down sub-prime scam, selling a credential instead of an education.  As Thiel suggests, time for change at the top is long over-due.

New Army Chief of Staff: Out of Touch? NEW: Blistering Bullshit Flag Waved from Afghanistan

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Military, Officers Call, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Standards, Tools
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

For information.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Source of Letter

From Afghanistan for ACOS: I have not seen so much BS in a while.  The 10th Mountain deployed to Afghanistan without the proper equipment to operate in the mountains. They lacked adequate cold weather gear and our lift capability does not fly well here either.  With the exception of 40 year old Chinooks, most can't climb over the lofty peaks that permeate this country.

I attended a farewell for a friend of mine, there were 33 people there, 11 of them in the rank of 06, two in the rank of 08.  What these guys did everyday is beyond me, but little work gets done in the palace of King David I can assure you.  There are Green Berets out in villages that depend on their families to help them with the Hearts and Minds that Petraeus so often says he is trying to win, but doesn't support.  That type of warfare does little to increase the coffers of the MICC….

Chuck Spinney–we read all your stuff and his–has it right: this guy lives in a palace, Versailles on the Potomac, and is totally out of touch with reality.

Phi Beta Iota: It is not at all clear that the new Army Chief of Staff (ACOS) understands that the standard issue weapon is worthless beyond 300 meters, or that his force in combat (4% of the total force) takes 80% of the casualties while receiving 1% of the total military budget.  We know what our troops are fighting for–what is this guy fighting for on behalf of his troops?

Continue reading “New Army Chief of Staff: Out of Touch? NEW: Blistering Bullshit Flag Waved from Afghanistan”

USA Spectrum Out of Control & Self-Destructing

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, Advanced Cyber/IO, Computer/online security, Corruption, Cyberscams, malware, spam, InfoOps (IO), Military, Mobile, Officers Call, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Real Time, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Standards, Technologies
DefDog Recommends...

Interesting, and if the point about Garmin is true, what is the relationship between them and the Air Force? The Air Force has gotten into a lot of areas that include tracking to the individual level (RFI) under the guise of tracking logistics….

US Air Force raises concerns over LightSquared's LTE network messing with GPS

Following a navigation system's instructions without driving into a ravine is hard enough as it is — can you even imagine how hard it'd be if you kept losing GPS reception every time you drove within range of an LTE tower? There have been a few anecdotal concerns raised over the last several weeks that LightSquared's proposed LTE network — which would repurpose L-band spectrum formerly used for satellite — is too close to the spectrum used by the Global Positioning System, leading to unintentional jamming when the towers overpower the much weaker GPS signals. Things have gotten a little more interesting, though, now that the US Air Force Space Command has officially piped in. General William Shelton has gone on record saying that “a leading GPS receiver manufacturer just … has concluded that within 3 to 5 miles on the ground and within about 12 miles in the air GPS is jammed by those towers,” calling the situation “unbelievable” and saying he's “hopeful the FCC does the right thing.”

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: Electromagnetic conflicts have been a known issue since the 1980's.  The Soviets had emission control standards ten times tougher than the US, which had (and continues to have) virtually no standards at all.  This is one reason why US forces in Afghanistan are so severely hampered, with drones, aircraft, radars, and various other “systems” all interfering with one another.  Elsewhere, notably in England, modern cars come to a complete stop within a  couple of kilometers of certain Royal Air Force emitting stations.  All of this can be attributed to at least four root problems:

1.  An acquisition archipelago (nothing sytematic about it) so stupid and out of control as to defy belief.  No standards, no brains, no integrity.

2.  Service-centric and mission-centric “preferred contractor” and “proprietary single point solutions” standard operating processes that are deliberately not orchestrated with other services, civilian elements of the government, or other nations.

3.  A lack of integrity among senior officers who should know better.

4.  A lack of integrity in Congress, where the focus is on collecting the 5% kick-back from delivered programs, not on actually serving the public interest by insuring affordability, interoperability, sustainability, and utility.

See Also:

Continue reading “USA Spectrum Out of Control & Self-Destructing”

Internet Freedom–The Public Dialog Continues

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Autonomous Internet, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Computer/online security, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Geospatial, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), International Aid, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Methods & Process, Mobile, Open Government, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Real Time, Reform, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools
Michel Bauwens

SOURCE: P2P Foundation Category:P2P Infrastructure

This is a specialization of our general Technology section, focusing more explicitely on the ‘true internet' or distributed P2P infrastructures.  It is being updated over the next week or so.

On the overall perspective of the P2P Foundation: What Digital Commoners Need To Do, a meditation on the strategic phases in the construction of a peer to peer world

Help us improve our definition of what a true P2P Infrastructure should be: Defining True P2P Infrastructures

Programmatic Statement for the creation of a world-wide user-controlled network based on a distributed architecture, by Raffael Kéménczy

Projects we find worthty of support:

  1. We Rebuild is a cluster of net activists who have joined forces to collaborate on issues concerning access to a free internet without intrusive surveillance
  2. Open Source Mesh Networking projects monitored by Open Source Mesh
  3. Various strategies to achieve Free Fiber to the home
  4. High Priority Free Software Projects: “The FSF high-priority projects list serves to foster the development of projects that are important for increasing the adoption and use of free software and free software operating systems.”

Projects to decentralize/distribute the internet:

Continue reading “Internet Freedom–The Public Dialog Continues”

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Michel Bauwens

Advanced Cyber/IO, Alpha A-D, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Mobile, Open Government, Standards, Tools
Michel Bauwens

Michel Bauwens (born 21 March 1958) is a Belgian Peer-to-Peer theorist and an active writer, researcher and conference speaker on the subject of technology, culture and business innovation.

Bauwens is founder of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property.

With Frank Theys, Bauwens is the co-creator of a 3 hour documentary TechnoCalyps, an examination of the ‘metaphysics of technology'. He taught and, with Salvino Salvaggio, co-edited a two-volume French language anthologies on the Anthropology of Digital Society.

Bauwens is the author of a number of on-line essays, including the seminal thesis Peer to Peer and Human Evolution, and The Political Economy of Peer Production. He was also editor of the email Pluralities-Integration newsletter (until 2007, when it ceased production).
Structured Web Hits

Personal Biography at P2P Foundation

P2P in a Nutshell [See especially The State of It All]

P2P Theory Core Works

Peer Governance as a third mode of governance

Cognitive Capitalism