Review: The Invention of the Jewish People

6 Star Top 10%, Consciousness & Social IQ, Corruption, Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Democracy, Misinformation & Propaganda, Philosophy, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Religion & Politics of Religion, Threats (Emerging & Perennial), True Cost & Toxicity, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Page

Shlomo Sand (Author), Yael Lotan (Translator)

5.0 out of 5 stars 6 for Intelligence & Integrity, 4 For Lacking Visualizations,August 28, 2012

As an intelligence professional constantly dismayed by the lack of both intelligence and integrity in the profession, and as someone who has specialized in “Information Pathologies” for the last 20 years, I have to rate this book into my top 10% across over 1800 books reviewed here at Amazon, it is beyond a 5, it is a six. This is a profound, provocative book that re-establishes the gold standard in ethical, holistic analytics.

The book is too important to leave it as is, a bland 300+ pages of text. While the index and footnotes are world-class, there is no annotated bibliography and not a single visualization (I am loading three images above but they barely scratch the surface). This book needs to be republished and to include a series of at least ten but ideally closer to twenty visualizations of both the reality of Jewish communities over time, and the intellectual genealogy of the Jewish myth.

As the leading Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories (access my Amazon reviews by category and star rating at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog), and as an academic, government, and commercial intelligence professional who obsesses on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I put this book into not just my top 10% (roughly 200 books in past decade) but in my top DOZEN books across my lifetime. The methodical, ethical, integrative, holistic, balanced manner in which this author has carried out his work is in my view the GOLD STANDARD for what any intelligence professional should be capable of aspiring to. Certainly this book is ideal as a foundation for a critical analytics course in which the students–including especially mid-career students that have gotten by on cutting and pasting and regurgitating crap by others–are forced to confront the multiple realities that include every Information Pathology known to man, including history books that are fiction, political statements that are outright lies, and a recurring pattern of war crimes that regardless of what they are called (e.g. settlements, isolation by ghettoization, etcetera) are war crimes.

As I went through this masterful work, the phrase “render unto Ceasar” kept popping into my head. The author develops his arguments, his proofs, and his critique of the historiography of others in a most compelling manner (but absent the visualizations which drove me crazy throughout).

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Review: The God Problem – How A Godless Cosmos Creates

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ, Cosmos & Destiny, Culture, Research, Intelligence (Collective & Quantum), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Philosophy, Religion & Politics of Religion, Science & Politics of Science, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
Amazon Page

Howard Bloom

5.0 out of 5 stars CHALLENGING–Multi-Volume Story of Civilization's Soul in One Volume,August 26, 2012

I have been hooked on Howard Bloom's thinking since I read Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century. I on to read his first book (The Lucifer Principle) and then found The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism which has been one of the most popular reviews at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (created so people can access my reviews within each of the 98 categories in which I read, something Amazon has never been willing to offer). And now we have this.

The raves first and then the nits.


At a time when the Catholic Church is grappling with secrecy versus the truth in dealing with the recurring global scandals of child molestation, and also grappling with theological truth versus scientific truth, this book could not be more timely.

If all of the very latest insights and innovations could be jumbled up in a blender with the history of civilization, this is what would come out once distilled to the essence.

The book strikes me as the answer to every Sunday crossword puzzle every invented, revealing the solutions to each one at a time in a manner seems totally perfect.

Potentially a paradigm / mind-set / game changer of a book.

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Berto Jongman: Jorgen Randers Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

5 Star, Environment (Problems), Environment (Solutions)
Berto Jongman
Amazon Page


2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years. Report to the Club of Rome. Jorgen Randers (Prof of Climate Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo). White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green, June 2012, 392p, $24.95pb. (

A report to the CoR commemorating the 40th anniversary of The Limits to Growth, written by one of the four original authors.  This broad forecast is “an informed guess tracing the big lines in what I see as the probable global evolution toward 2052…the most likely global roadmap to 2052 so that I would know what I am in for.”  Since publication of Limits in 1972, “humanity remains in solid overshoot…and we can discern the early signs of the coming gradual destruction of the ecosystem.”  (p.xv)

Five Big Issues toward 2052

The big question is how fast the transition to sustainability will happen…the sustainability revolution has started, but is still in its infancy.” (p13)  The transition will require fundamental change to a number of the systems that govern current world developments.  The next 40 years will be strongly influenced by how we handle five central issues:

1) The End of Uncontrolled Capitalism: “slow and insufficient response to our challenges will dominate”; old-fashioned capitalism will survive in parts of the world, but will be strongly modified elsewhere;

2) The End of Economic Growth: continuing technological advance will come to our partial rescue, but lack of space and cheap resources will force solutions with a lower ecological footprint to fit within the carrying capacity of the planet;

3) The End of Slow Democracy: the fundamental question is whether democracies will agree on a stronger state and faster decision-making before we run into the brick wall of self-reinforcing climate change;

4) Intergenerational Conflict: the era of generational harmony will come to an end, leading to slower economic growth and a smaller pie to share;

5) The End of Stable Climate: negative impacts will be significant, but not disastrous before 2052; there will be more droughts and floods, and sea level will be 0.3 meters higher; “self-reinforcing climate change will be worry number one, with methane gas emissions from the melting tundra leading to further temperature increase, which in turn will melt even more tundra”  (p47); the world will still be operational, but with higher operating costs and scary prospects for the rest of the 21C.

Several Highlights of the forecast:

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Review: The Age of Fracture

4 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Culture, Research
Amazon Page

Daniel T. Rodgers

4.0 out of 5 stars An entire book without the words “corruption” or “paradigm failure”,August 19, 2012

I bought this book expecting it to be a six star special, and then was tempted to drop it to three stars for completely missing the point. I've settled on four. It is a brilliant work of scholarship that analyzes varying schools of thought without once connecting to either realities or fundamentals–ethics, for example. I do not mean to be cruel, nor hyperbolize for effect, but as I put the book down it occurred to me that this book is a most extraordinary discussion of the clothes not being worn by the Naked Emperor.

Since those who rave about this book are no doubt the norm — intellectual pedigrees without integrity in the holistic sense — let me preface by brief critical comments by bringing forth the importance of whole systems analytic models, and within those model, the importance of integrity. Integrity is not just about honor — one can be honest on the small things while totally lacking in holistic integrity or social integrity — the extremists within the two-party tyranny that has looted the US treasury certainly fall into this category. While this book speaks to the cost of cultural hegemony, and even the cost of class betrayal from the top down, it never gets to calling a spade a spade, a crook a crook, a failed paradigm a failed paradigm. Kuhn, Morgan, Fuller, and Ackoff would all be disappointed.

Chapter 1 Losing the Words of the Cold War seems oblivious to the military-industrial complex or the fact that both Kennedy and Khruschev had to deal with out of control generals as the greater threat, not one another. Alternative reading:

Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It

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Review: Why Nations Fail – The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

5 Star, Culture, Research, Democracy, Economics, Politics, Public Administration
Amazon Page

Deron Acermoglu and James Robinson

5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful to Most, Can Be Summed Up as Integrity & Clear Feedback Loops,August 17, 2012

There is no question but that this book is a major contribution to the current dialog, such as it is. As someone who reads a great deal, I have finally come to the same conclusion as Will Durant, Buckminster Fuller, and Russell Ackoff:

INTEGRITY is the one word that matters. If organizations, including political organizations, have INTEGRITY, the nation prospers. If they do not, poverty prevails. INTEGRITY is about much more than personal “honor.” It is about being able to see the whole, connect the dots, achieve rapid constant open feed-back loops among all elements of the complex system, and so on.

Nations fail when education is reserved for the elite, and the elite lose their INTEGRITY. When the burden becomes too great and the masses rebel, they can either re-create the corrupt system they are bringing down, or they can branch toward a system of systems where INTEGRITY prevails.

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Review: Resilience Why Things Bounce Back

4 Star, Civil Society, Complexity & Resilience, Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research
Amazon Page

Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy

4.0 out of 5 stars Kum Ba Ya Reaches Its Peak,August 14, 2012

This book was recommended to me by Dr. Patrick Meier, perhaps the greatest English-language convergence point for crowd-sourcing in all languages, crisis mapping, and sustainable resilience, but I have found it to be a real disappointment–this book is kum-ba-ya at its peak, perhaps one reason why some of the reviewers, themselves deeply rooted in the kum-ba-ya mind-set, have raved about the book.

NEWS FLASH: No matter how long you hold hands and hum and agree to collaborate and have deliberative dialog and collective inspiration and all that, you will never, ever, make progress without first getting a grip on reality. This demands a conscious effort to discover, discriminate, distill, and disseminate FACTS along with OBSERVATIONS and OPINONS, all time stamped with geospatial attributes. Kum-Ba-Ya–much like the US Government–is completely divorced from reality, and especially how others see us and now corporations and banks externalize costs to the future.

Bob Seelert, Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide (New York): When things are not going well, until you get the truth out on the table, no matter how ugly, you are not in a position to deal with it.

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Review: The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted

4 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Capitalism (Good & Bad), Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Justice (Failure, Reform), Military & Pentagon Power, Misinformation & Propaganda, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Power (Pathologies & Utilization)
Amazon Page

Mike Lofgren

4.0 out of 5 stars 6 on Republicans, 3 on Democrats, 0 on the Other 50% of America's Voters,August 12, 2012

I read this book is in original incarnation, “Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult,” (truthout, 3 Sep 2011), and have to give the author high marks for fleshing out his original litany of Republican felonies against the public. For that he gets a 6 — beyond five stars and long overdue. He is especially strong on showing how hypocritical, unintelligent, and generally unethical my former party has become. He barely earns a 3 on the Democrats, and this is a pity because his success on the Republicans really calls for a similar indictment for the Democrats by an insider.

Where I was most dismayed by the book is in the author's complete failure to grasp that the REASON the Republican and Democratic parties are so corrupt is precisely because they have excluded the Independents, Constitutionals, Greens, Libertarians, and Reforms from ballot access, while also disenfranchising them through gerrymandering–our corrupt Congress chooses its voters, not the other way around, which is why Peggy Noonan was able to supply Ronald Reagan with the killer saying, “there is less turnover in the US Congress than in the Soviet politburo.”

I've read the other reviews and decided the best thing I can do to encourage the general direction of this book (corrupt parties, corrupt government, time to flush) is list other books I have reviewed that strongly support this one but with more coherence in their chosen area of focus.

I begin with the two party tyranny. My own book I cannot link to but Amazon allows me to list it under my signature.
Running on Empty: How the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It
Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny

On the corruption of Congress:
The Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing America and How to Get It Back on Track (Institutions of American Democracy)
Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns Outsiders Into Insiders

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