It is about “ancient accounts of chimeras and monsters”, and “genetic engineering technology” — including “the engineered creation of mankind itself”. Religions were promoted by these elite engineers “as tools of cohesion, conquest, and a considerable degree of obfuscation; as “commerce and contact between civilization and grew — often fostered by these very same elites —so to did religious agendas change, often violently, but just as often subtly.“
The author has done a superb job of weaving hundreds of other accounts, both written and in video, and I find his narrative compelling. From deep history to the Holy Roman Empire to the Nazis to the US secret space programs today, this is a book that could be and should be read by every citizen.
Project Human Extinction is the better book at one level, but this book offers a great deal of information not found in Project Human Extinction so I recommend them both without preference for one over the other.
7-Star Life Transformative Fundamental Reference on Extra-Terrestials, Illuminati, Free Masons, and the Satanic Deep State
After years of reading across many fronts, I was finally given this book and consider it the single best book summarizing the human experiment as an inter-galactic or cosmic experiment focused on free will, and the details about how the Illuminati morphed from nurturing humanity pre-1700 to control and ultimately a plan to eradicate billions of “useless eaters,” most compelling.
Robert Steele's quite extraordinary book, INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH, is now available in Kindle, which means that the hundreds of links within the book are easily exploitable. There is no one else on the planet that is a former spy, honorary hacker, #1 Amazon review for non-fiction, and the “top gun” for ethical evidence-based decision support to leaders who wish to be ethical and effective.
4.0 out of 5 starsCredible, Eye-Glazing, Not the Polished Brief I Expected, March 16, 2014
I have read other books on extra-terrestials, have noted with interest that governments around the world have been declassifying their archives on actual contacts with extra-terrestials, and noted with interest the mock Congressional hearings a year or so ago in which a former Candian defense minister testified to their being no fewer than five alien races in contact with our governments and also in residence on Earth in various forms.
Normally I write a summary review of a book, but I quickly gave up that idea once this book was in hand. It is a mind-glazing textual dump. While it is organized sensibly, and every bit is in my view credible and useful,
Let me start with past books that I have read and found credible, along with a few I have not but whose titles I find helpful:
As Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard University Medical School, John Mack had the highest possible academic credentials. He was also a Pulitzer Prize-winning author for his biography of T. E. Lawrence, ‘A Prince of our Disorder.'
‘Passport to the Cosmos' (PTTC) was Mack's second and final book on the alien abduction issue, before his death in September 2004. It's a thoughtful, coherent and readable essay; a more absorbing narrative than his earlier 1994 book “Abductions: Human Encounters with Aliens”. Whereas the earlier book episodically recounted the experiences of 13 different abductees in their own words but seemed reluctant to draw conclusions – beyond the obvious fact that the phenomenon was not psychiatric but (in some way) external to the experiencer and physically real – “PTTC” explores what it all might mean in terms of human consciousness and why our accepted “ontological notions of consensus reality” need to be expanded to accommodate this subversive intrusion into our world.
The author writes in Chapter One:
“…marshalling evidence that might conceivably satisfy the physical sciences `on their own turf' has proved to be an elusive task. I will document experiencers' reports with physical evidence where applicable, but my principal interest is in their pattern, meaning and potential implications for our understanding of reality and knowledge of ourselves in the universe.”
Unlike our Asian counterparts, the West often fails to accord our wise elders the honor they deserve – the status they have earned by devoting their lives to love of, and service to humankind. Paul Hellyer of Canada is one such man. Born in 1923, he is very much a hero of the 20th century; yet he continues his vigorous momentum into the new century, preparing youth for the hopes and challenges that lie ahead.
As former Minister of Defense for Canada and cabinet member during both the Pearson and Trudeau administrations, Hellyer is certain that technology currently exists to replace the ecologically-destructive world oil economy. He argues that, while difficult and financially threatening to “big oil,” a gradual transition can, and must be implemented post haste, warning that ten years is just about all the time we have left before the ecological damage to our planet becomes irreversible.
“Failure to disclose a clean energy alternative to fossil fuels,” he writes, “is worse than a crime against humanity. It's a crime against creation and the Creator.”
His book speaks volumes about crimes against planet Earth. He investigates them from many perspectives, laying out charges against perpetrators, and in his wisdom, offers rehabilitation plans to assure today's youth that they will inherit a world redeemed from near destruction.
Minister Hellyer reminds his American readers of the long-standing economic dirty tricks, the incessant meddling in the internal affairs of other nations and myriads of injustices carried out by the United States government under the banner of democracy, freedom and, ironically, peace – also that, because of U.S. news media collusion, such outrages rarely reach the eyes and ears of the average Yankee.