Worth a Look: Fair Coop (Earth Cooperative for a Fair Economy) Includes FairCoin

Worth A Look

FairCoopLogo_round130Fair.coop is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible, and at the same time gradually contribute to a new global wealth, accessible to all humankind as commons. Fair.coop understands that the transformation to a fairer monetary system is a key element. Therefore, Faircoin was proposed as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions and building of a new global economic system.

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Howard Rheingold: Thinking Systematically

Advanced Cyber/IO
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold

Thinking systematically about how you use information flows and your cognitive processes to gather, test, evaluate knowledge is key to the internal aspects of infotention.

A Student-Centred Conceptualisation of Critical Thinking

One of the defining features of human evolution is the emergent capacity of human beings to think about thinking. The ability to think about thinking is often described as a metacognitive skill.  Cultural evolution is itself a metacognitive process, as each new generation thinks about the thinking of previous generations – the contents of thinking, the process of thinking, and the products of thinking – and modifies the culture of thinking in multifarious ways.

Mongoose: Historical Links on Pedophilia

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society

On the one hand:

“What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.”

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SchwartzReport: $14M an HOUR “War on Terror”

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I don't know when I have been as angered by a story as I have been by this one. Fourteen million dollars an hour for 13 years. Imagine what could have been done with that money to ease the lives of the 17 million minor children who experience hunger each year, or the 2.5 million children who are homeless each year, or the destitute elderly living on dog food. What could have been done with that money to rebuild our failing infrastructure, or our crumbling schools, or to improve our poor healthcare system. And that money is independent of the over $400 billion spent on the grotesque F-35 project I reported on yesterday. All of this made possible by phony-patriot war criminals beginning with Bush and Cheney, and passed by a Congress of cretins, too weak and pusillanimous to serve the people who elected them. A government “by the people for the people,” not in anyway I can measure.

$14 Million an Hour for 13 Years: War on Terror's Astounding Cost

Event: People’s State of the Union (Sign Up by 8 January)

america maskAs our President prepares to deliver an annual State of the Union address, the team at USDAC is catalyzing a “People's State of the Union.” From January 23-30, 2015, we’ll come together to tell our own stories, filling in some of the things that didn’t make it into the official speech. In living rooms, theaters, community centers, places of worship, parks, schools, and other settings, individuals and organizations will host creative gatherings with three main ingredients: art, food, and meaningful dialogue.Sign up by January 8 to host a story circle.  Go to this page for the link to register:  http://usdac.us/psotu

Worth a Look: 9/11 Stuff Gaining Traction

Worth A Look
Click on Image to Enlarge
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Citizen Investigation Team: The PentaCon

September Clues

YouTube (43:28) 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!

YouTube (3:04:47) 9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain – Barbara Honegger

YouTube (2:24:57) Dr Judy Wood : Evidence of breakthrough energy technology on 9/11

Continue reading “Worth a Look: 9/11 Stuff Gaining Traction”

Review (Guest): The American Deep State – Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on US Democracy

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Atrocities & Genocide, Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Capitalism (Good & Bad), Censorship & Denial of Access, Complexity & Catastrophe, Congress (Failure, Reform), Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Democracy, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Environment (Problems), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), Military & Pentagon Power, Misinformation & Propaganda, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Public Administration, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Threats (Emerging & Perennial), True Cost & Toxicity, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
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Peter Dale Scott

5 Star  Connecting the Dots

By The Peripatetic Reader on December 13, 2014

Peter Dale Scott has written many books about the Deep State at work in the U.S. government. Scott depicts American society as structurally and inherently schizophrenic. Just as there is the public government and the deep government, and ordinary events and deep events, there are two dominant forces permeating United States history: One egalitarian, believing in fairness, inclusion, and free expression, and the other militaristic and exclusionary, which is only interested in social control.

Continue reading “Review (Guest): The American Deep State – Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on US Democracy”