Data-Hacking the Cotton T-Shirt: True Cost (water, energy, travel, emissions, toxins, import costs, child labor, fertilizer)

Commercial Intelligence, Research resources, True Cost
True Cost T-Shirt Kickstarter Project Page

Help advocate and influence in regards to the following:

  • There is unseen information in all materials
  • To know and grow a greater awareness about the world(s) we live in.

$12 backers of this project receive one American made tee shirt + a one page research handout not available online.

In January 2010 I (Jason Liszkiewicz) had a test batch of 52 of these t-shirts printed and sold (see here). It was a non-profit project which I would like to again see in print. My first batch received incredibly positive responses in-person & through the Internet from California to as far as India.

Below is an overview of the scope of the project:

From Farm to Fashion, what goes into the production of one cotton t-shirt?

This is the result of a one year side project to create a public awareness product.

The aim is to stimulate conversation about the water, energy, human labor, toxins, migration, and inventive practices that go into the products we own. How do we perceive or how aware are we about the people and processes that produce the products we have come to depend on in this global commercial society?

First hand research along with information from 30 sources comprise the contents of this shirt.

This T-Shirt is a “gateway concept”. By wearing this, it will insert into society not only the topic of t-shirts, but the overall question of what is the “true cost” of the products we are surrounded by, eating, and wearing? How can these answers become more publicly available? Can more knowledgeable shoppers that base purchase-decisions on more than dollar-amounts eventually augment the way product-designers think, design, and produce?

Imagine true cost information for all products and services available via text messaging/SMS (text a code for each product & service). And eventually, public kiosks in malls, public spaces, etc. A mobile encyclopedia service revealing the “open supply chains.” See for more information.

Front shirt: water, energy, travel, emissions, toxins, import costs, child labor, misc (fertilizer)

If you would like to circulate the link, the short version =

Journal: The Future of the Internet

03 Economy, Analysis, Audio, Augmented Reality, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Computer/online security, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), IO Technologies, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Maps, Methods & Process, Mobile, Open Government, Real Time, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Tools
Jon Lebkowsky Home

Tim Wu and the future of the Internet

Tim Wu explains the rise and fall of information monopolies in a conversation with New York Times blogger Nick Bilton. Author of The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires (Borzoi Books), Wu is known for the concept of “net neutrality.” He’s been thinking about this stuff for several years, and has as much clarity as anyone (which is still not much) about the future of the Internet.

I think the natural tendency would be for the system to move toward a monopoly control, but everything that’s natural isn’t necessarily inevitable. For years everyone thought that every republic would eventually turn into a dictatorship. So I think if people want to, we can maintain a greater openness, but it’s unclear if Americans really want that…. The question is whether there is something about the Internet that is fundamentally different, or about these times that is intrinsically more dynamic, that we don’t repeat the past. I know the Internet was designed to resist integration, designed to resist centralized control, and that design defeated firms like AOL and Time Warner. But firms today, like Apple, make it unclear if the Internet is something lasting or just another cycle.

Journal: Crowdsourcing II

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Lukas Biewald chief executive of CrowdFlower


The Digital Meritocracy

Lukas Biewald, 11.09.10, 04:00 PM EST for

How crowdsourcing will change the way the world works.

s the amount of digital work increases and the amount of physical work decreases, our notions of employment and work change profoundly. Digital work doesn't require roads and factories; it requires a laptop and an Internet connection–equipment that people have access to in their homes. The need for offices, supervisors and rigid employment arrangements diminishes.

As technology improves, companies should theoretically be able to access in real-time the perfect person for a given job–the one who will do the job the best, enjoy it the most or do it the fastest. All these factors combine in a way that will change the landscape of work. Here's what I think that will look like:–Within a decade résumés will become less important as we continue to adopt newer, multifaceted ways to measure the quality of a candidate's work.

Rest of article….

See Also:

Worth a Look: Momentum Crowdsourcing for Open Source Intelligence

Worth a Look: Book Reviews of Capitalism Reincarnated

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Civilization-Building

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Collective Intelligence

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Common Wealth

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Conscious, Evolutionary, Integral Activism & Goodness

Worth a Look: Books Reviews on Education for Freedom & Innovation

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Evolutionary Dynamics

Journal: Financial Intelligence Matters….

02 China, 03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cyberscams, malware, spam, Government, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Law Enforcement, Military, Peace Intelligence, Standards
Richard Wright

This article by Bill Gertz needs to be seen in perspective.  During the Cold War the Soviet Union as well as a number of other countries, including China were constantly engaged in trying to acquire U.S. Technology of all types through various means from industrial espionage to bribery.  The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) was extremely concerned about this and the subject of illicit ‘international technology transfer’ to the Soviet Bloc (as well as a few other countries) generated numerous DOD requirements to such agencies as NSA and CIA. Much of the urgency of these requirements was downgraded precipitously when the Cold War ended. Also the number of incidents of foreign powers trying to acquire U.S. technology has declined in the 21st Century for a very sinister reason: the U.S. is no longer the sole leader in the research and development of advanced technologies that it was after WWII. Although incidents still occur, as the Chinese Huawei example shows, they are much less common than once was the case.  So DOD no doubt does not see the need for the same emphasis on loss of U.S. origin technology.

Yet financial intelligence is more than technology loss it also involves major illicit financial operations, such as money laundering, and financial operations in support of espionage and terrorism against U.S. interests. This of course includes the financial infra-structure supporting al Qaeda. If Ferguson is shutting this effort down as well he is making an unbelievable mistake.

This incident is symptomatic of an Intelligence System that is indeed out of control. In the absence of a viable strategic plan for intelligence collection, analysis, and production, every time some new crises occurs the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) resembles an ant hill that somebody has just stepped on. In the absence any real leadership or clearly defined purpose, the big four of the IC (CIA, DIA, NGA, and NSA) will continue to waste billions of dollars for minimal returns while resisting an efforts at meaningful reforms. At the same time the IC institutional bias against using non-classified (open) source information will ensure that they will only be able to provide very small windows that are of only limited usefulness to decision makers. What a way to go!

Phi Beta Iota: We are truly surprised that someone of Jim Clapper's caliber would allow an Acting Undersecretary no one has ever heard of to be named Acting in the first place; or that such an individual would do something this dumb without clearance from the DNI.  There are a couple of variations on a theme:  a) Clapper wants to make it obvious that Treasury is in enemy hands and DoD wants nothing to do with Treasury intelligence which does not exist–Treasury, like Energy and the other non-national security departments are patronage stove-pipes receiving direction from ideological idiots–they don't do “evidence-based” policy;  b) Clapper is finally thinking about holistic intelligence in support of Whole of Government, and having DoD drop financial intelligence is a preamble to elevating the Financial Intelligence Center in some manner.  On balance, as much as we admire the DNI, we think he has blown it–he will not accomplish anything consequential in the next few years by continuing to do the wrong things righter, and that is a shame, because so much could be accomplished in a mere 90-180 days, if he would empower those with the right mind-set to do the right things, which is to say, M4IS2 simultaneously with Whole of Government intelligence-support operations and the creation of a Smart Nation.

See Also:

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

Reference: $1.5 Billion Health Care “Rationing Board”

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Marcus Aurelius Recommends


Wait a minute here! Nancy Pelosi said that we need to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it. Now that it's passed and we're getting to see the details, Ecuador, New Zealand, Costa Rica, and even Italy are looking like great places to retire happily ever after… Their healthcare programs are no where as restrictive or dangerous to longevity as Obamacare!!!

Check out this video – it's really eye-opening…

Dr. David Janda explains health care rationing and quitting of 40+% physicians who will go to jail if they fail to comply with denials of care.

Short Video

Phi Beta Iota: The editorial board watched this video in its entirety.  If these details are confirmed, they are grounds for the impeachment of all those who voted for health rationing and cost rationing by a federal board appointed by President Barack Obama. The evil incarnate in legislation passed without Member review, much less public review, is one reason we believe that Electoral Reform must demand that all legislation be subject to prior public review before being voted upon.  It also bears mention that the alternative to rationing care is a combination of sound health policy (see Graphic) and honest government (top 75 prescriptions can be gotten legally for 1% of what we pay now, a dishonest government has promised not to negotiate prices, the quid pro quo for pharmaceutical campaign contributions to both parties.

See Also:

Reference: Electoral Reform–1 Page 9 Points

Graphic: Health Quadrants & Open Source Information

Journal: US Govenment Accepts Fraud as “Normal”

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Government, Officers Call
David Isenberg

Are charges that private military contractors commit egregious acts of fraud overblown? Not according to recent news. McClatchy Newspapers reports that the Louis Berger Group, one of the U.S. government's highest profile American contractors in Afghanistan has agreed to pay tens of millions of dollars to settle allegations that it overbilled the U.S. government.

In return, the Justice Department will end its investigation into allegations that Louis Berger was intentionally overcharging American taxpayers. The settlement, which is just over $69 million, includes civil and criminal penalties.

Louis Berger's alleged overbilling, a practice that dates to at least the mid-1990s, swelled to tens of millions in lost tax dollars. In 2006, a former Louis Berger employee handed the government evidence against the company, two months before the U.S. Agency for International Development tapped Louis Berger to jointly oversee $1.4 billion in reconstruction contracts in Afghanistan.

Court documents reveal that the Justice Department has been negotiating a deal that would “aid in preserving the company's continuing eligibility to participate” in federal contracting in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

According to McClatchy Louis Berger is accused of manipulating overhead cost data and overhead rate proposals submitted to the U.S. government and several states including Massachusetts, Nevada and Virginia.

Read rest of post….

Continue reading “Journal: US Govenment Accepts Fraud as “Normal””

Reference: The Secret Life (True Cost) of Beef

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence


INFORM launches third video in “The Secret Life” series

(New York City) INFORM, Inc., the educational and advocacy nonprofit that raises environmental consciousness through visual media, has just launched “The Secret Life of Beef,” an engaging and enlightening six-minute video. The video increases awareness about the environmental impacts of industrial beef production, illustrates how it contributes to global warming, and offers more sustainable alternatives.

Americans consume over twenty-eight billion pounds of beef a year, one of the highest per capita rates in the world, yet few beef eaters are aware of the connection between their dietary choices and the environmental damage caused by beef production.

  • Livestock production produces one-fifth of all global greenhouse gases, more than all transportation sources combined
  • It takes seven pounds of grain and 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of hamburger
  • Seventy percent of all antibiotic use in the U.S. is used in livestock production

“The Secret Life of Beef” tells its story through academic experts, grass-fed beef farmers, chefs, sustainable butchers, educators, and restaurant owners. It also offers more eco-friendly alternatives to the heavy meat consuming habits of most Americans—from going meatless one day a week to purchasing grass-fed beef.

  • If every American went meatless one day a week, it would be equivalent to taking eight million cars off the road.
  • The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce your overall beef consumption.

For a preview viewing of “The Secret Life of Beef,” visit:

Continue reading “Reference: The Secret Life (True Cost) of Beef”