Jason Matthews
6-Star Deeply Authentic Book About Nuances of Spying
After I read and then reviewed the first book, Red Sparrow, I was so deeply impressed that I immediately ordered the other two, this one and The Kremlin's Candidate, intending to read them on airplanes. That did not last.
This book went to my night-table, then to reading two hours past my bedtime, to last night when I could not put it down and read it until midnight. That is not normal for me, particularly as a former spy who considers most spy books to be utter crap.
This is not only the most authentic and nuanced book I have read about spying and why human intelligence and particularly offensive counterintelligence and covert action matter, but it is spectacularly well put together. The author is gifted in turns of phrase that make you laugh or cry or both.
Continue reading “Review: Palace of Treason (Espionage Fiction)”