The future of OSINT is M4IS2.
The future of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is Multinational, Multifunctional, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2).
The following, subject to the approval of Executive and Congressional leadership, are suggested hueristics (rules of thumb):
Rule 1: All Open Source Information (OSIF) goes directly to the high side (multinational top secret) the instant it is received at any level by any civilian or military element responsive to global OSINT grid. This includes all of the contextual agency and mission specific information from the civilian elements previously stove-piped or disgarded, not only within the US, but ultimately within all 90+ participating nations.
Rule 2: In return for Rule 1, the US IC agrees that the Department of State (and within DoD, Civil Affairs) is the proponent outside the wire, and the sharing of all OSIF originating outside the US IC is at the discretion of State/Civil Affairs without secret world caveat or constraint. OSIF collected by US IC elements is NOT included in this warrant.
Rule 3: The J-2 is the proponent for OSINT inside the wire, to include requirements definitiion and collection management and exploitation. In those agencies and departments of government lacking an intelligence function, where there is a DoD need (e.g. they are playing a role in AF, IQ or elsewhere), a dual-purpose OSINT cell can be embedded at the national level to both provide direct OSINT support for recipient support of DoD missions (e.g. in AF or IQ), and to help assure the instant channeling of OSIF to the high side.
Rule 4: The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) will be the Whole of Government executive agent for Open Source, creating a new Directorate (DO) that is in direct support of but co-equal to DX, DH, and DI. Within DoD, OSINT will be considered HUMINT vice TECHINT, and DO will play a subordinate supporting role in helping DH and DI make the most of overt human sources world-wide while creating three divisions, one each for defense policy, defense acquisition, and defense-centered inter-agency operations support.
Rule 5: DIA will create and manage a service of common concern, the Defense Open Source Center (DOSC), with an embedded Multinational Decision Support Center (MDSC) staffed by 90 countries at their option, with unimpeded two-way reachback to military hubs in each participating coalition country. Ideally this should be located on the South-Central Campus between the Department of State and the U.S. Institute for Peace (USIP).
Rule 6: All elements of the force–civilian and military–will be trained and equipped in acquiring multilingual multimedium Open Source Information (OSIF)–and provided with effective means of sending all collected OSIF to tactical, operational, and strategic multinational multifunctional information coordination centers overseen by State/ Civil Affairs but funded and managed by DIA. A citizen-centered means for digitazing all information in all languages all the time will be a mid-term objective for the global OSINT grid.
Rule 7: Direct OSINT support to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) and all Congressional jurisdictional committees will be provided on demand, with simultaneous copies to the corresponding executive element, and to the public. As a general rule, all OSIF acquired at taxpayer expense outside the US IC will be placed in the public domain as soon as operationally feasible.
The future of OSINT is M4IS2. DoD can have 90 nations engaged within 90 days.
Search: Strategic Analytic Model
2009: Search: United Nations Intelligence Training
2009: BRF Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy
2009 HBK OSINT Links Directory by Ben Benavides
2009 HBK Handbook Online for Internet Tools and Resources for Creating Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) by Dr. Ran Hock, Chief Training Officer, Online Strategies, Inc.
2009 DOC Perhaps We Should Have Shouted: A Twenty-Year Restrospective
2009 BRF DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings
2008 DOC Open Source Intelligence (Strategic)
2008 DOC Open Source Intelligence (Operational)
2008 DOC IJIC 21/3 The Open Source Program: Missing in Action
2008 BRF DIA NDIC Multinational Intelligence Fellows
2007 DOC Memoranda: OSS CEO to DNI One-Pager
2007 DOC IJIC 20/1 Foreign Liaison and Intelligence Reform: Still in Denial
2007 BRF United Nations “Class Before One” Infomation-Sharing and Analytics Orientation
2006 REF Susan Turnbull (US) on Collaboration & Sharing
2006 REF Stephen E. Arnold (US) Google and Sharing Across Boundaries
2006 REF Rob Simmons (US) Policy Preface to Information Operations (IO) Book
2006 REF Boyd Sutton (US) Global Coverage, Looking Backward, Looking Forward
2006 REF Arno Reuser (NL) on Virtual Open Source Agency
2006 HBK Handbook: Global Monitoring and Decision Support
2006 HBK Carole Dumaine Global Futures Partnership “Are You Ready”
2006 DOC IJIC 19/3 Peacekeeping Intelligence & Information Peacekeeping
2006 Abe Lederman (US) Deep Web Access to All Information in All Languages All the Time
2005 REF Rob Simmons (US) Puts Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) into Intelligence Reform Legislation
2005 DOC Memorandum: $2 Billion Obligation Plan Centered on Defense, for a New Open Source Agency
2005 DOC Memoranda: Creating a New Agency with a New Mission, New Methods, and a New Mind Set
2005 BRF Army War College E3i–Making the Revolution
2004: BRF Information Peacekeeping A Nobel Objective
2004 REF Tom Atlee (US) Beyond Intelligence Reform: Shifting from Intelligence to Co-Intelligence
2004 REF Stephen E. Arnold (US) New Opportunities: Update on New Technology
2004 REF Scott Mutton (CA) on OSINT Burden Sharing
2004 REF Paul van Tongeren (NL) A Need for a Global Alliance for Human Security
2004 REF Joe Mazzafro (US) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Global Issues
2004 REF Greta Marlatt (US) Military Librarianship in an Academic Environment
2004 HBK Special Operations Forces OSINT Handbook (Strawman)
2004 DOC Stockholm Peacekeeping Intelligence Trip Report
2004 DOC IJIC 17/2 Information Peacekeeping & The Future of Intelligence
2004 BRF NEW RULES for the New Craft of Intelligence
2004 BRF DoD OSINT Program: A Speculative Overview
2004 BRF Department of State (March)
2003 REF Patricia Lewis (UNIDIR) Creating the Global Brain: The United Nations
2003 REF Joe Markowitz (US) Open Source in Support to All-Source Intelligence
Review: Combatant Commander OSINT Briefing
2003 REF Jack Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?
2003 REF Greg Fyffe (CA) Intelligence Sharing and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
2003 REF Arno Reuser (NL) on Intelligence Librarian Tradecraft
2003 DOC Peacekeeping Intelligence Leadership Digest
2002 REF Martin van Creveld (IL) Twenty-Four Theses on Intelligence
2002 REF David Moore (US) & Lisa Krizan (US) Core Competencies for Intelligence Analysts
2002 REF Dan Henk (US) Respecting the Cultural Dimension: Intelligence and Africa
2002 REF Carol Dumaine (US) Global Futures Partnership–Vision of Lasting Value
2002 REF Berto Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2001/2002
2002 REF Alessandro Politi (IT) The 11th of September and the Future of European Intelligence
2002 DOC New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence (Book 2 Chapter 15)
2002 BRF NSA in Las Vegas The New Craft of Intelligence: What Should the T Be Doing to the I in IT?
2002 BRF Information Peacekeeping (NISA Keynote NL)
2001 REF Andrew Chester (NATO) Shaping Intelligence for the Future
2001 DOC Threats, Strategy, and Force Structure: An Alternative Paradigm for National Security
2000-2002 HBK NATO OSINT Handbooks
2000 REF Wolfgang Mueller (AT) Some Thoughts on Open Source
2000 REF Vladimir Budzko (RU) The Russian Viewpoint on Electronic Open Source Technologies
2000 REF James Cox (CA) Reflections of the former NATO Deputy N-2
2000 REF Frans Mulschlegel (EU) EUROPOL’s Open Sources & Documentation Unit
2000 REF Frank Asbeck (DE) Western European Union (WEU) Satellite Centre
2000 REF Dominic Farace (NL) Gray Literature
2000 REF David Charters (CA) OSINT for Peace Support Operations: Perspectives from UN Operations
2000 REF Alessandro Politi (IT) The Birth of OSINT in Italy
1999 REF Philippe Lejeune (BE) Open Source Intelligence: The INTERPOL Experience
1999 REF Ian Wing (AU) Optimising Open Source Information Sharing in Australia
1999 REF Doug Dearth (US) Peacekeeping in the Information Age
1999 BRF Web-Based Concept for a Global Information Sharing Environment
1999 BRF Tough Love at DIA for SASA
1998 REF Philippe Clerc (FR) Economic Intelligence
1998 DOC JFQ The Asymmetric Threat: Listening to the Debate
1998 DOC Information Peacekeeping: The Purest Form of War
1997 REF Maurice Botbol (FR) The Open Source Revolution: Early Failures and Future Prospects
1997 REF Gottfried Mayer-Kress (GE) The World Brain
1997 HBK Jack Davis A Compendium of Analytic Tradecraft Notes
1997 BRF CINCSOC 10-Minute Briefing That Created SOF OSINT
1996 REF Philippe Clerc (FR) The French Model for Economic and Financial Intelligence
1996 REF Paul Roger (AU) Open Source Strategies for Law Enforcement
1995 REF Mats Bjore (SE) Six Years of Open Source Information (OSI) Lessons Learned
1995 REF Joe Markowitz (US) Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO) Strategic Plan
1995 REF Jim Lucas (US) Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO)
1994 REF Harry Collier (UK) Future of the Information Industry and a New Information Paradigm
1993 REF Shumpei Kumon (JP) From Wealth to Wisdom: A Change in the Social Paradigm
1993 REF Jean-Marie Bonthous (FR) on Culture: The Missing Intelligence Variable
1993 REF Alvin Toffler (US) on National Knowledge Power
1993 DOC On Defense & Intelligence–The Grand Vision
1992 Reference: USMC C4I Campaign Plan
1992 REF Stevan Dedijer (SE) OSS, Intelligence, and Secrecy
1992 REF Robert Hutchinson (UK) on Rumor of War–Open Source Data in an Unstable World
1992 REF Paul Wallner (US) on OSINT and the IC–Myths and Realities
1992 REF Arnie Donahue (US) “There is PLENTY of Money for Open Source”
1992 REF Andrew Shepard (US) Intelligence Analysis in the Year 2002
1992 DOC MCU Thinking About Revolution
1992 DOC Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield: The Marine Corps Viewpoint
1992 DOC Intelligence Lessons Learned from Recent Expeditionary Operations
1992 DOC Information Concepts & Doctrine for the Future
1991 DOC MCG Intelligence Support for Expeditionary Planners
1991 DOC Defense Intelligence Productivity
1990 DOC Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model
1989 HBK Diane Webb (US) CATALYST: Computer-Aided Tools for the Analysis of Science & Technology
1988 DOC Generic Intelligence Center Production Requirements