From God's lips to my ears. His Grace is both an Arab and a Christian whose life over several generations has been defined, on the one hand, by the love of God and on the other by the perfidy of the Zionists looting and destroying Palestine, and now including Jerusalem, a corpus separatum by any rational understanding.
Jason Redman with John R. Bruning, Foreword by Robert M. Gates
5 Stars Authentic, Humble, Healing, NOT Your “Normal” Leadership Story
This book brought tears to my eyes by page 71. This is not your “normal” leadership story. It blends three leadership stories from one personal experience: a personal failure of leadership stemming from the mix of arrogance and alcohol; a positive enabling leadership environment (not at all the norm for the Department of Defense) that helped this warrior grow; and finally, the personal triumph of being one with God, country, team, and family after being broken by wounds that would have killed most others.
5 Stars Compelling Overview of Government-Approved Child Abuse
I am a Commissioner on the treaty-mandated Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. I was not able to get the Commission to drop the Sex word because it is too limiting. Child abuse includes not only kidnapping and slavery and sex as well as physical abuse, but also torture, ritual murder, casual murder, and the harvesting of child blood, bone marrow, and body parts. This is the first book I have found that does three things:
The author has done a superb job of weaving hundreds of other accounts, both written and in video, and I find his narrative compelling. From deep history to the Holy Roman Empire to the Nazis to the US secret space programs today, this is a book that could be and should be read by every citizen.
Project Human Extinction is the better book at one level, but this book offers a great deal of information not found in Project Human Extinction so I recommend them both without preference for one over the other.
Some books are so far out of my personal ability to digest in detail that I very rapidly convert to my scanning mode with one big question that I ask on every page: does this book and its author pass the smell test with me, and would I, if President, want to trust this author to help implement his ideas without necessarily understanding them in detail?
Not only is the answer for this book and this author a resounding YES, but on pages 31-32 I have a note, “Holy Shit! Could DT be doing all this?” Those two pages outline ten great deals that Donald Trump could be pursuing: peace, jobs, sound-money, Glass-Steagall, federalist, regulatory, liberty, health-care, fiscal, and governance.
I read this book in galley form after Steven asked me to when we shot a documentary together in Thailand in May 2017, and it was my great privilege to not only be able to work with him directly, but also with best-selling author and US Marshall Tom Morrissey, of Arizona, offering a few thoughts from my time as a clandestine case officer (spy) working the Latin American terrorist – cartel target and my time in Washington working the inter-agency enemies of the Constitution target.