Review: Never Play Dead – How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable by Tomi Lahren

6 Star Top 10%, America (Founders, Current Situation), Biography & Memoirs, Civil Society, Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research, Democracy, Misinformation & Propaganda, Politics, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)


Tomi Lahren, Never Play Dead: How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable (HarperCollins, 2019)

6 Stars – Righteous Common Sense, From the Heart, Speaking to All of Us – Including Generation Z and All Women of All Ages Ready to Lead America Forward

Robert David STEELE Vivas

On an impulse, after reading and then writing rave reviews of George Will’s deep tome, The Conservative Sensibility, and Democrat Marianne Williamson’s A Politics of Love I was moved by forces unknown to buy this book, and I lucked out.

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Robert Steele @Amazon: Summary Review with Links: A Politics of Love by Marianne Williamson (Trump Revolution Book 39)

6 Star Top 10%, America (Anti-America), America (Founders, Current Situation), Capitalism (Good & Bad), Civil Society, Congress (Failure, Reform), Democracy, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Intelligence (Spiritual), Justice (Failure, Reform), Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Priorities, True Cost & Toxicity, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Kindle Page

This is a six page summary review of a political-cultural-economic-social transformation that is both needed and possible, by the one person seeking the Democratic nomination for the presidency who appears authentic, inclusive, and truthful. Links to free online supporting documentation for the author's radically humanistic and deeply spiritual proposals are included in the formal review. An additional five pages of links and one paragraph extracts are appended to give the Kindle reader easy access to a range of mass media depictions of the author that range from angelic to whacko.

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Review: A Politics of Love by Marianne Williamson with Additional Links

6 Star Top 10%, America (Founders, Current Situation), Best Practices in Management, Capitalism (Good & Bad), Civil Society, Complexity & Resilience, Congress (Failure, Reform), Consciousness & Social IQ, Crime (Government), Decision-Making & Decision-Support, Democracy, Disease & Health, Economics, Education (General), Education (Universities), Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Justice (Failure, Reform), Leadership, Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), True Cost & Toxicity, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized), War & Face of Battle, Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity
Amazon Page


Marianne Williamson, A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (HarperOne, 2019)

6 Stars – The Only Authentic Democratic Candidate

Reviewed by Robert David Steele

This is a six page summary review of a political-cultural-economic-social transformation that is both needed and possible, by the one person seeking the Democratic nomination for the presidency who appears authentic, inclusive, and truthful. Links to free online supporting documentation for the author's radically humanistic and deeply spiritual proposals are included in the formal review. An additional five pages of links and one paragraph extracts are appended to give the reader easy access to a range of mass media depictions of the author that range from angelic to whacko.

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Review: The Conservative Sensibility by George F. Will – Handbook for an American Renaissance

7 Star Top 1%, America (Anti-America), America (Founders, Current Situation), Capitalism (Good & Bad), Civil Society, Congress (Failure, Reform), Crime (Government), Democracy, Economics, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Justice (Failure, Reform), Leadership, Misinformation & Propaganda, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Public Administration, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
Amazon Page

7 Stars – Handbook for an American Renaissance – Life Transformative

Robert David Steele

This book is a masterwork, a capstone work for the author, for his time, for the Republic, and for We the People who have lost our Republic. Of the over 2,500 books I have reviewed, 10% of which have received a 6 star rating, this book is easily in the top 25 and perhaps the top 10. The last book I remember that impressed me this much was Philip Allot’s The Health of Nations: Society and Law beyond the State (Cambridge, 2002) but this book is closer to home, focused on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the collapse of the US federal government with a Presidency run amok, a Congress in abdication, and a judiciary all too passive as the Constitution is shredded.

This glorious piece of work, clearly a handcrafted deeply researched endeavor (not a collection of past columns) that draws on all forms of erudition from poetry and theater and fiction to history, philosophy, and science, is noteworthy for integrating deep and diverse citations from the varied leading individuals in the US executive, US legislature, and US judiciary.

The top four points made by this book, in my view, are these:

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Mongoose: The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times Review of A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pease

6 Star Top 10%, America (Founders, Current Situation), Asymmetric, Cyber, Hacking, Odd War, Censorship & Denial of Access, Civil Society, Complexity & Catastrophe, Consciousness & Social IQ, Corruption, Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Democracy, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Misinformation & Propaganda, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Public Administration, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Threats (Emerging & Perennial), Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)

The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times

Edward Curtin in Unz Review

The assassination of the top four leaders of the political left in the five year period – President John Kennedy in 1963, Malcolm X in 1965, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968 – represented nothing less than a slow-motion coup on the political scene.

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Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook

7 Star Top 1%, America (Founders, Current Situation), Asymmetric, Cyber, Hacking, Odd War, Atrocities & Genocide, Consciousness & Social IQ, Corruption, Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Democracy, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Information Society, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Justice (Failure, Reform), Misinformation & Propaganda, Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Page

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015)

7 Stars Life Transformational – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Mind-Altering Soul-Enhancing Book

Given the author’s past as a former Russian intelligence employee, I have considered the possibility that this book is an active disinformation treatise.  While some of this information may be exaggerated or mis-interpreted, on balance I believe this to be a most valuable holistic perspective essential to taking down the Deep State.

My bottom line up front: the Deep State — the vestiges of the Black Nobility/Ceasar, the British Empire, the Vatican, the Zionists, and the Freemasons (33+ only – the rest can be saved) and their banking fronts including the Rothschilds and Central Banks — are the common enemies of America, China, and Russia as well as all other nation-states and cultural/ethnic/linguistic tribes.  We are not doing well at collaborating against these common enemies.

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Review: In the Shadows of a Presidency by Daniel Estulin

4 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Capitalism (Good & Bad), Crime (Corporate), Democracy, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Misinformation & Propaganda, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class

Daniel Estulin

4 Stars – Useful Summary

The core of this book is that the Queen of England and the British Empire, with MI-6 prominently serving as a global saboteur and blackmail agent, is the heart of the Deep State, NOT the Rothschilds and NOT the Zionists.

The author buys in the 9/11 official narrative and relies too heavily on single sources (LaRouche, Madsen, Fitts) for each chapter while missing the giants (e.g. Peter Dale Scott on the Deep State) — this is an Internet sourced book, not a library sourced book.

He does, however, provide a useful compilation of insights, generally from others and woven together here for good effect, and I have no regrets about buying and reading this book along with his earlier Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses,  that again seeks to demonize the British while giving everyone else — particularly the Zionists and the Vatican — a bye.

Here are some of my notations:

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