Pakistan Rules in Afghanistan–Petraeus Who?

02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, History, Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Methods & Process, Military, Misinformation & Propaganda, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Waste (materials, food, etc)
DefDog Recommends....

I'm told this story is in every newspaper and on television in Afghanistan.  Most Afghans believe it to be true.  Basically, in spite of the Administration's posturing, Pakistan would become the governing power in Afghanistan…..The Administration's statements show a clear lack of understanding about this region….

Pakistan Tells Afghanistan: Expel the Americans

ByAhmad K. MajidyarNational Review Online

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that Pakistan's leaders “bluntly” told Afghanistan's president “to forget about allowing a long-term U.S. military presence in his country,” and urged him instead “to look to Pakistan–and its Chinese ally–for help in striking a peace deal with the Taliban and rebuilding the economy.” According to Afghan officials, at an April 16 meeting in Kabul in which the leaders of Pakistan's military and intelligence also participated, Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told Pres. Hamid Karzai that “the Americans had failed them both,” and that it was time for Kabul to choose “alternative allies.” The Pakistani delegation also outlined a number of demands to the Afghan leader., quoting an unnamed Afghan official, lists Pakistan's demands as:

Read full article….

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Critique of Obama’s Hawaiian Birth Certificate

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, History, Misinformation & Propaganda, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests

Phi Beta Iota: At the end (below the) line links are provided to the appearance of the Obama birth announcement in two Hawaiian newspapers, and links to the Kenyan forgeries.

Obama's “New” Birth Certificate, What's WRONG with IT?

By Candace
Apr 27, 2011 – 6:19:56 AM

Hi Everyone, Obama realized his supposedly real birth certificate today after years of refusal and coverups.  This should have been required for him to even run for office.  Now, being his Father is from Kenya, he is still not a natural born citizen, both parents must be citizens (and not dual citizens) of this country. Case closed right there, but lets continue.

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The Library of Utility

01 Agriculture, 01 Poverty, 02 Diplomacy, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Education, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 08 Proliferation, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence, History, Threats, Uncategorized

“I imagine a library atop a remote mountain that collects the essential information needed to re-learn practical knowledge essential to civilization. This depot, open to anyone who journeys there, is the cultural equivalent of the Svalbard seed bank, a vault on the Arctic Circle that holds frozen seeds of crop plants from around the world. The utilitarian documents in this vault would be the seeds of culture, able to sprout again if needed. It would be the Library of Utility, and it would serve as civilization’s backup.”

Kevin Kelly – Author of   What Technology Wants.

Read the article The Library of Utility on the Blog of the Long Now Foundation.

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Civilization-Building

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Conscious, Evolutionary, Integral Activism & Goodness

Journal: Cheery Waves Flags How Supercomputers Alter Science

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, History, info-graphics/data-visualization, IO Mapping, IO Sense-Making, Key Players, Maps, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Real Time, Research resources, Serious Games, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, True Cost, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Cheery Waves Recommends....

Digging Deeper, Seeing Farther: Supercomputers Alter Science


New York Times, April 25, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO — Inside a darkened theater a viewer floats in a redwood forest displayed with Imax-like clarity on a cavernous overhead screen.

The hovering sensation gives way to vertigo as the camera dives deeper into the forest, approaches a branch of a giant redwood tree, and then plunges first into a single leaf and then into an individual cell. Inside the cell the scene is evocative of the 1966 science fiction movie “Fantastic Voyage,” in which Lilliputian humans in a minuscule capsule take a medical journey through a human body.

There is an important difference — “Life: A Cosmic Journey,” a multimedia presentation now showing at the new Morrison Planetarium here at the California Academy of Sciences, relies not just on computer animation techniques, but on a wealth of digitized scientific data as well.

Read balance of article….

Comment and Seven Graphics Below the Line…

Continue reading “Journal: Cheery Waves Flags How Supercomputers Alter Science”

Event/Trip Report/Reference: 1200-1330 8 Apr Woodrow Wilson Center DC In Search of a National Security Narrative for the 21st Century

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, History, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), International Aid, Key Players, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Open Government, Policies, Policy, Reform, Serious Games, Strategy, Threats
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“The National Conversation” Debuts

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has announced a new initiative launching April 8, 2011: The National Conversation at the Woodrow Wilson Center. The National Conversation will examine overarching themes of U.S. international and domestic policy, drawing on high-profile guests and experts from all sides of the political sphere to provide thoughtful, intelligent explorations of challenging issues with the goal of informing the national public policy debate.

From uprisings in the Arab world to troubled economies around the globe, challenges to America’s role in the global community have seldom been greater or more complex. And with economic woes at home and our military capacity stretched thin through involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, many are left wondering about our ability to respond and adapt to a rapidly changing world. At a time when national unity around a shared vision is lacking, there is a growing belief that a new national security narrative must emerge that defines the role of the U.S. in global affairs for a new century. But can we achieve such a national consensus in this era of hyper-partisanship? A possible answer comes in the form of an anonymous “white paper.” Two US military officers have written an essay describing a vision for the missing narrative under the authorship of “Mr. Y.” Join our panel as it discusses the ideas contained in this provocative paper from an unexpected source. Is this the blueprint for the narrative we seek?

The inaugural National Conversation kicks off April 8 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m., with a discussion on the search for a new national security narrative to guide U.S. policy in the 21st Century. Five panelists will participate in a discussion moderated by award-winning New York Times columnist and author Thomas Friedman. The panel will feature: Steve Clemons, founder of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation; Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim American to be elected into the U.S. Congress; Robert Kagan, senior fellow for foreign policy at the Brookings Institution; Brent Scowcroft, U.S. national security adviser to President Ford and President H.W. Bush; and Professor Anne Marie Slaughter, former director for policy planning for the U.S. Department of State and current Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University.

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Watch Video of the Event (Permanent URL)

Note:  Robert Steele invited comment starts at 01:15:12

Download “A National Strategic Narrative,” By Mr. Y (15 Page PDF)

Strategic Analytic Model from Earth Intelligence Network

Trip Report & Selected Links with Graphics Below the Line

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Catholic Church Getting Serious About “Truth”

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, History, InfoOps (IO), Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Strategy

VATICAN-PHILOSOPHY Mar-22-2011 (360 words) With photos. xxxi

Vatican says church philosophy studies must combat suspicion of truth

Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski talks about new norms for the ecclesiastical studies of philosophy. (CNS/Alessandro Serrano, Catholic Press Photo) 





By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — When training priests and educating students in philosophy, the Catholic Church must combat a widespread sensation that there really is no such thing as permanent, objective truths, a new Vatican document said.

Because so many students are influenced by the cultural suspicion of truth, the Vatican said it will require an extra year of study before a student can earn a church-recognized bachelor's degree in philosophy.

Read complete Vatican story….

Phi Beta Iota: Something very important is happening within the Catholic Church.  The Most Holy Father Benedict XVI is a “convergence Pope” and moving on multiple fronts.  He is seeking to reconcile religion with science; philosophy with theology; logic with pastoral direction.  In short, His Holiness is deepening and elaborating on initiatives begun by Pope John Paul II, to include pro-active inter-faith and pro-active science and religion summits.  Faith matters.  History matters.  Science matters.  There is something happening here that is potentially a revolution in global human evolutionary psychology.

See Also:

Continue reading “Catholic Church Getting Serious About “Truth””