Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Institutionalized Ineptitude

00 Remixed Review Lists, Complexity & Catastrophe, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Decision-Making & Decision-Support, Environment (Problems), Military & Pentagon Power, Politics, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Threats (Emerging & Perennial), Worth A Look

Institutionalized Ineptitude

Review DVD: Idiocracy

Review DVD: The Fog of War – Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

Review: At War with Ourselves–Why America Is Squandering Its Chance to Build a Better World

Review: Blind Into Baghdad–America’s War in Iraq

Review: Breaking the Real Axis of Evil–How to Oust the World’s Last Dictators by 2025

Review: Daydream Believers–How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power

Review: Devil’s Game–How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (American Empire Project)

Review: Dunces of Doomsday–10 Blunders That Gave Rise to Radical Islam, Terrorist Regimes, And the Threat of an American Hiroshima

Review: Fiasco–The American Military Adventure in Iraq (Hardcover)

Review: Glenn Beck’s Common Sense–The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine

Review: National Suicide: How Washington Is Destroying the American Dream from A to Z

Review: Our Undemocratic Constitution–Where the Constitution Goes Wrong (And How We the People Can Correct It)

Review: Strategery–How George W. Bush Is Defeating Terrorists, Outwitting Democrats, and Confounding the Mainstream Media (Hardcover)

Review: The Powers of War and Peace–The Constitution and Foreign Affairs after 9/11 (Hardcover)

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Disinformation, Other Information Pathologies, & Repression

00 Remixed Review Lists, 9-11 Truth Books & DVDs, Censorship & Denial of Access, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Corruption, Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Iraq, Misinformation & Propaganda, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Science & Politics of Science, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized), Worth A Look

Disinformation, Other Information Pathologies, & Repression


Review: 9-11

Review: 9-11 Descent into Tyranny–The New World Order’s Dark Plans to Turn Earth into a Prison Planet

Review: Access Denied–The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering

Review: Painful Questions–An Analysis of the September 11th Attack

Review: The 9/11 Commission Report–Omissions And Distortions (Paperback)

Review: The Big Wedding–9/11, the Whistle Blowers, and the Cover-up (Paperback)

Review: The Hidden History of 9-11

Review: The New Pearl Harbor–Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (Paperback)

Review: The Terror Timeline–Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11–and America’s Response (Paperback)

Review: The War On Truth–9/11, Disinformation And The Anatomy Of Terrorism (Paperback)


Review DVD: The U.S. vs. John Lennon

Review: Censorship of Historical Thought–A World Guide, 1945-2000

Review: Forbidden Knowledge–From Prometheus to Pornography

Review: Gag Rule–On the Suppression of Dissent and Stifling of Democracy

Review: Into the Buzzsaw–Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press

Review: Soft Despotism, Democracy’s Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect

Review: The Age of Missing Information


Review: Scorpion Down–Sunk by the Soviets, Buried by the Pentagon: The Untold Story of the USS Scorpion

Review: Silent Steel–The Mysterious Death of the Nuclear Attack Sub USS Scorpion

Extra-Terrestrial Withholding

Review: Hidden Truth–Forbidden Knowledge


Review: A War Against Truth–An Intimate Account of the Invasion of Iraq [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback)


Review (Guest): Propaganda–The Formation of Men’s Attitudes

Review DVD: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

Review: Big Lies–The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth

Review: Disinformation –22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror (Hardcover)

Review: Fog Facts –Searching for Truth in the Land of Spin (Nation Books) (Hardcover)


Review: Interventions

Review: It’s Not News, It’s Fark–How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap As News

Review: Manufacturing Consent–The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Review: State of Fear

Review: The Infernal Machine–A History of Terrorism


Review: Lost History–Contras, Cocaine, the Press & ‘Project Truth’

Review: Nation of Secrets–The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life

Review: Secrecy–The American Experience

Review: Secrets–A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers

Review: Secrets and Lies–Operation “Iraqi Freedom” and After: A Prelude to the Fall of U.S. Power in the Middle East?

Review: The American Truth

Two-Party Tyranny

Review: Grand Illusion–The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Dereliction of Duty (Other Than Defense)

00 Remixed Review Lists, 09 Justice, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Corruption, Corruption, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Worth A Look

Dereliction of Duty Other Than Defense)

Review (Guest): Integrity–Good People, Bad Choices, and Life Lessons from the White House

Review: A Season of Inquiry–The Senate Intelligence Investigation

Review: Afghanistan’s Endless War–State Failure, Regional Politics, and the Rise of the Taliban

Review: America the Vulnerable–How Our Government Is Failing to Protect Us from Terrorism

Review: Betrayal of Trust–The Collapse of Global Public Health

Review: Blue Frontier–Dispatches from America’s Ocean Wilderness

Review: Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy

Review: Collapse–How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

Review: Collapse–How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

Review: Defense Facts of Life–The Plans/Reality Mismatch

Review: Downsizing Democracy–How America Sidelined Its Citizens and Privatized Its Public

Review: Genocide in the Congo (Zaire)

Review: Gomorrah

Review: Inside Sudan–Political Islam, Conflict, and Catastrophe

Review: Leave Us Alone–Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives

Review: My Year in Iraq–The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope

Review: Politics Lost–How American Democracy Was Trivialized By People Who Think You’re Stupid (Hardcover)

Review: Risk and Reason–Safety, Law, and the Environment

Review: Running on Empty–How the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It (Paperback)

Review: Running The World–the Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power (Hardcover)

Review: See No Evil–The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA’s War on Terrorism

Review: Seven Sins of American Foreign Policy (Paperback)

Review: Shake Hands With The Devil–The Failure Of Humanity In Rwanda

Review: The Assault on Reason

Review: The Collapse of Complex Societies

Review: The Edge of Disaster–Rebuilding a Resilient Nation

Review: The Life and Death of NSSM 200 –How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy

Review: The New American Story

Review: The Next Catastrophe–Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters

Review: The Political Junkie Handbook (The Definitive Reference Book on Politics)

Review: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

Review: While America Sleeps–How Islam, Immigration and Indoctrination Are Destroying America From Within

Review: White Nile, Black Blood–War, Leadership, and Ethnicity from Khartoum to Kampala

Review: Wilson’s Ghost–Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing, and Catastrophe in the 21st Century

Review: Your Government Failed You–Breaking the Cycle of National Security Disasters

Review: Leave Us Alone–Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives

5 Star, Banks, Fed, Money, & Concentrated Wealth, Complexity & Catastrophe, Congress (Failure, Reform), Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Economics, Impeachment & Treason, Insurgency & Revolution, Justice (Failure, Reform), Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), True Cost & Toxicity, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Can Cause Discomfort, But This Book MATTERS

May 17, 2008

Grover Norquist

I was given this book as a gift, along with Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies and to my great surprise, being an estranged moderate Reagan Republican, I found that I am much more of a Libertarian than I realized, and this author, although he causes me great discomfort in some areas (such as privatizing Social Security), he makes complete sense. I learn he has been voted one of the 50 most powerful people in DC by GQ (2007) and I believe it. Senator McCain has better listen this time around. I urge all who are enthused with Senator Obama to read Obama – The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate. Senator Obama is NOT transparent and I consider his top foreign policy advisors to be dangerous–Dr. Strangelove (Brzezinski) has one last war with Russia left in him, and seriiousl believes he can confront the Chinese in Africa–this is lunacy (search for my Memorandum online <Chinese Irregular Warfare oss.net>.

The book lacks an index. This is a HUGE MISTAKE on the part of the publisher because there are too many important ideas in this book. The publisher should create and post online an index to this book. The publisher can also be criticized for failing to provide Library of Congress cataloguing information. This is a REFERENCE work. The author should consider holding the publisher accountable for such fundamental incompetencies that detract from the book's lasting value.

The five core reforms that he builds up to are:

1) Portable pensions

2) Competitive health care

3) Educational choice including home schooling

4) Outsourcing of all government functions possible

5) Transparency (see not only Groundswell, but also Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations)

The author posits a stark choice between the Leave Us Alone movement, that appears to be growing daily (and included 27 secessionist movements that meet annually at a conference organized by Kirkpatrick Sale, author of Human Scale, and what he calls the Takings Group, the tax and spend elected officials both Republican and Democratic.

This is a serious reference work with an even mix of books, articles, and online citations.

There are some areas where the author could benefit from knowledge that is not yet mainstream–for example, we can blow away the Medicare unfunded obligations by negotiating prices that are 1% (ONE percent) of what we foolishly pay now, and as a recent PriceWaterHouseCooopers study documented so well, also eliminating the 50% of the medical professional that is waste, including (the author does address this–the tort lawyers like Senator John Edwards who make millions putting good doctors out of business so bad doctors can do more elective operations).

On balance–and this was my first exposure to this individual–I put the book down thinking to myself that this author deserves his reputation, and that he combines a very powerful intellect with an equally powerful moral force.

Other books I recommend:
The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Inspire and Define Our Nation
The Revolution: A Manifesto
Don't Start the Revolution Without Me!
Crashing the Party: Taking on the Corporate Government in an Age of Surrender
Spoiling for a Fight: Third-Party Politics in America
The Vermont Manifesto

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Review: Leave Us Alone–Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives

5 Star, Congress (Failure, Reform), Democracy, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform)
Leave Us Alone
Amazon Page

Can Cause Discomfort, But This Book MATTERS, May 17, 2008

Grover Norquist

I was given this book as a gift, along with Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies and to my great surprise, being an estranged moderate Reagan Republican, I found that I am much more of a Libertarian than I realized, and this author, although he causes me great discomfort in some areas (such as privatizing Social Security), he makes complete sense. I learn he has been voted one of the 50 most powerful people in DC by GQ (2007) and I believe it. Senator McCain has better listen this time around. I urge all who are enthused with Senator Obama to read Obama – The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate. Senator Obama is NOT transparent and I consider his top foreign policy advisors to be dangerous–Dr. Strangelove (Brzezinski) has one last war with Russia left in him, and seriiousl believes he can confront the Chinese in Africa–this is lunacy (search for my Memorandum online <Chinese Irregular Warfare oss.net>.

The book lacks an index. This is a HUGE MISTAKE on the part of the publisher because there are too many important ideas in this book. The publisher should create and post online an index to this book. The publisher can also be criticized for failing to provide Library of Congress cataloguing information. This is a REFERENCE work. The author should consider holding the publisher accountable for such fundamental incompetencies that detract from the book's lasting value.

The five core reforms that he builds up to are:

1) Portable pensions

2) Competitive health care

3) Educational choice including home schooling

4) Outsourcing of all government functions possible

5) Transparency (see not only Groundswell, but also Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations)

The author posits a stark choice between the Leave Us Alone movement, that appears to be growing daily (and included 27 secessionist movements that meet annually at a conference organized by Kirkpatrick Sale, author of Human Scale, and what he calls the Takings Group, the tax and spend elected officials both Republican and Democratic.

This is a serious reference work with an even mix of books, articles, and online citations.

There are some areas where the author could benefit from knowledge that is not yet mainstream–for example, we can blow away the Medicare unfunded obligations by negotiating prices that are 1% (ONE percent) of what we foolishly pay now, and as a recent PriceWaterHouseCooopers study documented so well, also eliminating the 50% of the medical professional that is waste, including (the author does address this–the tort lawyers like Senator John Edwards who make millions putting good doctors out of business so bad doctors can do more elective operations).

On balance–and this was my first exposure to this individual–I put the book down thinking to myself that this author deserves his reputation, and that he combines a very powerful intellect with an equally powerful moral force.

Other books I recommend:
The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Inspire and Define Our Nation
The Revolution: A Manifesto
Don't Start the Revolution Without Me!
Crashing the Party: Taking on the Corporate Government in an Age of Surrender
Spoiling for a Fight: Third-Party Politics in America
The Vermont Manifesto

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Review DVD: American Drug War: The Last White Hope

5 Star, Atrocities & Genocide, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Crime (Government), Crime (Organized, Transnational), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Reviews (DVD Only), Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
Drug War
Amazon Page

This is a very serious movie and I volunteered to appear in it, April 22, 2008

Tommy Chong

I must disclose that I came into this movie at the very end when the brilliant producer realized I could provide a few bits that would bring it all together. I volunteered my time because I felt then–and I feel now–that this film was totally righteous. So I am listed as one of the “actors” but unlike some of them for whom file clips were used, I was taped speaking about this specific situation for this specific movie.

Our government is BROKEN. The civil servants and uniformed personnel are good people trapped in a bad system–a cesspool. Standing above them, hoarding the wealth, the power, and the personal privilege, are “elected” officials and their appointed cronies that have no business at all governing this great nation. They are inept and should be dismissed. We need a Constitutional Convention, an end to the Elctoral College, and deep Electoral, Financial, and National Security Reforms.

See also:
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
The Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing America and How to Get It Back on Track (Institutions of American Democracy)
The Bush Tragedy

I have tagged this DVD with the word treason, because that is what CIA, DEA, the FBI, and the White House are guilty of when they protect drug wholesalers and allow entire neighborhoods to go down the crack drain, not because of Ricky Ross, but because of high crimes and misdemeanors all the way up the chain above him.

In my world, accountability is supposed to start and be enforced from the top down, not the bottom up. I hold John Deutch and later George Tenet accountable for failing to manage all five of the CIAs (the Wall Street CIA, the White House CIA, the front CIA, the paramilitary CIA, and the sodomy Safari Club CIA). I can only imagine the counterparts in DEA and the FBI and other elements of the government with the power to commit treason and get away with it while making a personal profit from the power We the People have assigned to them.

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Review: Acts of God–The Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America

5 Star, Complexity & Catastrophe, Congress (Failure, Reform), Disaster Relief, Environment (Problems), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design
Amazon Page

Nature is the What, Culture is the Who–Lovely Analytic Account, April 21, 2008

Ted Steinberg

I am starting to think about a 2009 book on CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE: Faith, Ideology, and the Five Minds (the later from Five Minds for the Future and I am constantly enchanted when I run across a vital reference to how culture is the disaster, not nature.

This book is a magnificent epistle on the folly of mankind and the duplicity of government, business and the media. The author of totally brilliant as he gently sets forth the myth that we are not responsible for acts of God when in fact we are the perpetrators of complex human, social, economic, and political fabrications and decisions that invariably:

1. Screw over the poor and those of color

2. Amortize high risks taken by the rich across the entire taxpayer base

3. Conceal, lie, deceive as to the actual premediated decisions that occasioned the disaster turning into a catastrophe.

I am reminded of that excellent work, Catastrophe & Culture: The Anthropology of Disaster (School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series).

Here is “the” quote from the author, on page xxii:

“The official response to natural disaster is profoundly dysfunctional in the sense that it has both contributed to a continuing cycle of death and destruction and also normalized the injustices of class and race.”

The middle of the book is a detailed but not at all tedious account of California, Florida, and the Mississippi flood plain. In all three cases calamity was treated as a cultural script to execute:

1. A political agenda on the poor

2. Conceal and deceive outsiders to keep investment coming in

3. Further land speculation, with insurance company as well as state government complicity

I am reminded of the two books, Fog Facts: Searching for Truth in the Land of Spin and The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead. Our country has lost its moral compass across all of its institutions. This is not new, the price is simply higher now.

The account of how a railroad magnate built a railway from Jacksonville to Miami (which was 200 feet of sand at first) and then on to Key West, with the taxpayer footing the bill, the state government giving away the land, and the speculation leading inevitably to enormous disaster and death, is riveting. Or at least captivating.

He lambasts the federal government for venturing into the political economy of risk, for trying to control weather from the 1950's, and for “writing off” the poor in their mobile homes. Land in hazardous terrain subject to flooding is cheaper, mobile homes are cheaper, the poor cannot afford to evacuate, this strikes me as something only a genocidal maniac would love: “natural eugenics,” only a little connivance needed.

The author tells us that through the 1970's the federal government stunk at both forecasting and warning, in part because of poor budgeting for the National Weather Service, in part because of privatization, in part because of ineptness (e.g. not repairing critical buoys).

He states, and this did not begin with Katrina, but goes back 40 years, that the Federal response to disasters has been consistently pathetic. One explanation is that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has consistently been a dumping ground for political hacks, with nine times more losers than in other agencies.

He explicitly blasts Bush-Cheney for lies in relation to Katrina, which was accurately forecast. Every POLITICAL level of government, from the chicken mayor to the complacent governor to the dumb-s..t FEMA director to the village idiot President failed us.

The books ends by skewering both Clinton and Bush for 16 years of deregulation of all industries having anything to do with public safety, allowing them to increase their profits by increasing the risks and costs to the unsuspecting buyers upon whom they were enabled to prey.

Not a pretty story, but I for one am starting to see the pattern of government and corporate deception, and that is why I have committed the last twenty years of my working life to creating public intelligence in the public interest.

I cannot remember all my past weather and climate books, but here are a few more links:
The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge (Atlas Of… (University of California Press))
The Weather Makers : How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth
Catastrophe: An Investigation into the Origins of Modern Civilization

See also:
Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration
The New Craft of Intelligence: Personal, Public, & Political–Citizen's Action Handbook for Fighting Terrorism, Genocide, Disease, Toxic Bombs, & Corruption
The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters

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