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The truth at any cost lowers all other costs — curated by former US spy Robert David Steele.
Love this. A very quick and simple way to create infographics. No design skills necessary.
Adioma – Knowledge Visualization Tool
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The government mistakenly disbursed more than $137 billion in Fiscal Year 2015, the highest annual level of wrongful spending ever reported, the Congressional Research Service noted last week. Over $1 trillion in improper payments have been made by government agencies since 2004. Improper payments “are payments made in an incorrect amount, payments that should not have been made at all, or payments made to an ineligible recipient or for an ineligible purpose,” CRS said. Congress has enacted legislation to improve reporting and recovery of improper payments, but implementation “has been uneven across the government.”
Improper Payments Legislation: Key Provisions, Implementation, and Selected Proposals in the 114th Congress, December 7, 2016:
As suggested to Jim Clapper via email.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
I have demanded the resignation of John Brennan and I am officially rescinding the CIA report on Russian interference in the US election. The CIA has no sources worthy of consideration, and their analysis is without foundation.
There is no question but that the Russians – as well as the Chinese, French, Germans, Israelis, and many others – have been doing cyber-espionage against all US institutions, including political institutions. In no way does this possibly justify the conclusion that the Russians or anyone other than our two political parties – have sought to “hack” our election — or come remotely close to doing so even if they were trying to do so.
With its latest attempt to de-rail the accidental but never-the-less legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, CIA — John Brennan specifically and every senior executive not speaking up now to disown Brennan — has crossed the line into indictable treason. There is every reason now to close down both CIA and NSA — each has spied with impunity on US politicians and judges and others for decades, each has blackmailed US politicians with impunity for decades.
The real story has five parts.
Part I: Treason by CIA & NSA. This is the part CIA and NSA want to obscure, their decades of unconstitutional surveillance of and blackmail of US politicians. Russia did not hack the election. This is a blatant lie. [NOTE: President's Daily Brief is crap — secret sources and methods provided General Tony Zinni with less than 4% of what he needed as CINCENT — and nothing for everyone else. The IC is a spending cesspool that is worthless in supporting Whole of Government strategy, policy, operations, and acquisition.]
One of my contributing editors keeps sending me bits from The Cipher Brief — I have tended to ignore them, but the recent two pieces, one by Mike Hayden and the other by Michael Morell, are such utter crap that I feel compelled to address them. I cannot say this any more clearly. Mike Hayden is a traitor who approved warrantless wiretapping at NSA and rendition and torture at CIA. He is also the D/CIA who allowed the complete destruction of the OSINT discipline as pioneered by General Peter Schoomaker at SOCOM. Michael Morell is simply a shill — he may not realize he is lying, in which case this simply displays his lack of intelligence and integrity. From where I sit, the secret world is worthless in large part because the good people trapped in this bad system are overseen by politically-appointed pimps who could care less about producing decision-support in the public interest. Following the two links below I offer a very concise commentary on the secret world (dysfunctional waste of no value to the President, the Cabinet, or Congress) and my own Philosophy of Intelligence. The reader can decide between the two.
Alternative Media- A Very Serious Threat to the Ruling Elite
PropOrNot has all the hallmarks of an intelligence operation run by the CIA, FBI, or one of a number of other intelligence agencies.
The American Republic is out of balance — collapsing from poor governance and the triumph of special interests over the public interest. There are two root causes — the corruption of the US political process that disenfranchises sixty percent of the public and blocks Independents and small parties from ballot access, and a dysfunctional intelligence architecture that lacks integrity — as Henry Kissinger has observed, intelligence is not necessary to the exercise of power (as practiced by the elite-driven US national security state) and is often useless.
No one since President Ike Eisenhower and Project Solarium has ever attempted an official honest, comprehensive, and coherent formulation of a grand strategy that balances ends, means, and ways for all government functions, not only in the national security arena, where the military is consuming 60% of the disposable budget in 2015, but across the domestic front as well.