Event: Free Online Birth 2012 Barbara Marx Hubbard

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Calling all visionaries, evolutionaries, change leaders and heart-centered humans:

This is your opportunity to give your highest gifts in creating a Planetary Birth Experience that can shift our consciousness and evolve our world.

Join us for this historic event!

You are invited to Activation Day – 21 months in advance of the day many luminaries are declaring as our Planetary Birth Day – the symbolic start of a new era in human evolution.

What if Dec. 21, 2012 marks the passing of one phase of evolution and Dec. 22, 2012 marks “Day One” of the next epoch of evolution – for the next 26,000 years? A time we can collectively set our intentions for a more evolved world?

Phi Beta Iota: Barbara Marx Hubbard was the populist candidate for Vice President at the Democratic convention where Geraldine Ferraro was the official candidate.  Acclaimed from the floor, she has been a virtual leader and spiritual guidepost for decades.

See Also:

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Search: cribb, government of the shadows: parapo

Corruption, Searches

Thank you.  This web site now attracts “value-added” searches that help flesh out all that we have not been able to cover in the time we have been exploring “truth” as opposed to twaddle.  Rather than integrate a guest review of this book, we are providing here both a link to the book and to several other books along the same lines–the line is now drawn:  legalized criminal violent power versus collective non-violent bottom-up non-zero sharing.  What astonishes us is how many Nobel Peace Prizes have gone to those who are so deeply engaged in the global legalized criminal violent enterprise.  That marks the full extent of the network.

Amazon Page
Government of the Shadows analyses the concept of clandestine government. It explores how covert political activity and transnational organised crime are linked — and how they ultimately work to the advantage of state and corporate power. The book shows that legitimate government is now routinely accompanied by extra-governmental covert operations. Using a variety of case studies, from the mafia in Italy to programmes for food and reconstruction in Iraq, the contributors illustrate that para-political structures are not ‘deviant', but central to the operation of global governments.
The creation of this truly parallel world-economy, the source of huge political and economic potential, entices states to undertake new forms of regulation, either through their own intelligence agencies, or through the more shadowy world of criminal cartels.

Review: To Save America Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine

4 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Budget Process & Politics, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Country/Regional, Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Economics, Environment (Solutions), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Justice (Failure, Reform), Misinformation & Propaganda, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Priorities, Public Administration, Religion & Politics of Religion, Science & Politics of Science, Threats (Emerging & Perennial)
Amazon Page

Newt Gingrich and *many* other contributors.

4.0 out of 5 stars Hyperbole Squared, Disingenious, Mostly Theater, June 2, 2011

I happen to like Newt Gingrich, but no one has held him accountable on matters of truth for decades. When I was elected Virtual President at the Huffington Post (search for Robert David Steele), Newt was my choice for Vice President for Global Engagement. He is easily the most educated and thoughtful/philosophical leaders we have, apart from Dennis Kucinich (better on facts) and Ron Paul (better on the Constitution and common sense). I suppose you could add Mike Bloomberg (my choice for Vice President for Education Intelligence, & Research). In short, no Coalition Cabinet can be complete without Newt Gingrich. He might even make a good president if he would stop talking and learn to integrate the thoughts of others from across all 64 parties, not just the right wing of the same bird that has been pooping on America since Newt destroyed Speaker Wright (see The Ambition and the Power: The Fall of Jim Wright : A True Story of Washington). That was also the end of bi-partisanship and the beginning of the end of the Republic, now a neo-fascist corporate state.

Continue reading “Review: To Save America Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine”

Bill Moyers Interviews Andrew Bacevich

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Richard Wright

The comments expressed in this interview exactly reflect my views–recommended!

Bill Moyers Interviews Andrew Bacevich

Thursday 2 June 2011
by: Bill Moyers, The New Press

Our finest warriors are often our most reluctant warmongers. They have seen firsthand the toll war exacts. They know better than anyone that force can be like a lobster trap that closes with each stage of descent, making escape impossible. So it was when the liberal consensus lured America into Vietnam during the ’60s, and again after 9/11, when neoconservatives clamored for the invasion of Iraq. With the notorious ferocity of the noncombatant, the neocons banged their tin drums and brayed for blood, as long as it was not their own that would be spilled.

Andrew Bacevich

One old warrior looked on sadly, his understanding of combat’s reality tempered by twenty-three years in uniform, including service in Vietnam. A graduate of West Point, Andrew Bacevich retired from the military to become a professor of history and international relations at Boston University, a public thinker who has been able to find an audience across the political spectrum, from The Nation to The American Conservative magazines. In several acclaimed books, including The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War, Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War, and his bestselling The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism, Bacevich speaks truth to power, no matter who’s in power, which may be why he reaches both the left and the right.

Read rest of interview as published today by truthout.

Phi Beta Iota: The interview was done in 2008 and published today in truthout because of its high relevance to the decline and fall of America today.

Crazy, Maybe True: US/Israel Role in Japan Disaster — State Eco-Terrorism, Nuclear or HAARP Trigger, Supplementary “Camera Bombs” from Israeli Security Company — Germany Being Blackmailed Also?

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Sense-Making, Military, Peace Intelligence

Phi Beta Iota: The world is in an interregnum, between “rule by secrecy” and lies from power as the norm, and a very ugly baby Web 4.0 in which bottom-up truth struggles to emerge.  We will have a great deal of baby poop to deal with, but over time, public intelligence in the public interest will find its edge, and truths that shock publics into extreme action will emerge.  Below is are a few extracts from a very sharp and ably illustrated story, and one expert author's evaluation of that story.  Provided for information, “sharing our confusions.”  WARNING NOTICE:  This story should be read in conjunction with the recent Pentagon declarations that cyber-attacks will be considered a declaration of war. An Israeli virus in US nuclear control systems (attributed to Iran of course), with or without the help of the US Government, could be used to justify World War III starting with an attack on Iran and “precision” attacks on Pakistani nuclear facilities.  We believe Israel is “all in” at this point; and we believe President Obama and Congress have lost all semblance of control over the U.S. military-industrial-secret intelligence complex.

Jim Stone Freeland Journalist

Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?

Fukushima may in fact have been caused by an act of war under the cover of an environmental disaster.


Continue reading “Crazy, Maybe True: US/Israel Role in Japan Disaster — State Eco-Terrorism, Nuclear or HAARP Trigger, Supplementary “Camera Bombs” from Israeli Security Company — Germany Being Blackmailed Also?”

Worth a Look: Digital (Interactive) Citizens Project

Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Open Government, Policies, Real Time, Technologies
John Steiner

The Digital Citizen Project builds upon the new digital capabilities of television broadcasting and the Internet’s advances in social engagement, to bring an unprecedented degree of citizen participation to news programming for the 2012 election period. The project is premised on the belief that, when offered the chance to appear in media as “informed citizens,” a large number of people will rise to the challenge.

How it Works: Digital Citizen 2012 is a cross-platform and converged media series that seamlessly connects people using social and mobile applications, to television programming of the 2012 campaign. Using well-established online engagement tools, public participants contribute video, audio, text and still images of themselves to the station’s website, stating their opinions and posing questions. Initially, the online community will vet contributions. Producers will join in, to assure the inclusion of representative groups in this process and to track contributors whose posts are popular among the community. Utilizing the digital capabilities of modern studio production equipment, a significant number of the pre-recorded contributor questions and comments will appear on the live programs.

A much smaller number of contributors, whose articulate positions prove popular with the community, will be offered the opportunity to appear live via webcam on the TV program. These participants will be required to take part in a carefully designed online facilitation process that bolsters their arguments with facts, and introduces them to others with different opinions. These “informed citizens” will then be able to speak directly with journalists, experts and candidates during the programs.

Learn more….

Mother Jones: 2011 Hurricane Forecast vs Past

03 Environmental Degradation, Communities of Practice, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Policies
Click on Image to Enlarge

The Illustrated 2011 Hurricane Forecast

— By Julia Whitty

Mother Jones, Wed Jun. 1, 2011

Specifically, for 2011, they're forecasting the likelihood of:
  • 16 named storms (60% more)
  • 9 hurricanes (50% more)
  • 5 intense hurricanes (75% more)

Compare that to the average during the 50 years between 1950 and 2000:

  • 10 named storms
  • 6 hurricanes
  • 2 intense hurricanes

Read more….

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Climate Change

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Environmental Degradation (Other than Emissions)