Daniel Estulin cemented his position in my own view as one of the top twelve non-fiction authors in the geo-cultural-economic-political arena with his book TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses, my rave review is at the link. I found this book so impressive I included it among my top 25 cosmic mind-altering books in my lecture for TransitionTalks.
Along with Matt Ehret, whom I consider one of the greatest modern strategic thinkers and historians (it helps to be strategic in the present if you actually understand the past – and not the past as lied about by the academy and government and media but the past as it actually happened), Daniel Estulin, with a prior history as a Russian intelligence and counterintelligence officer, lays out the Luciferian Satanic secret dirty reality of the tri-fecta of evil: secret societies, compromised banks and corporations, and compromised states, all coming together to allow the 1% to lie, cheat, and steal from the 99% with impunity.
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