Robert Steele: Working Papers for NYC 6-7 Oct 2011

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Robert David STEELE Vivas

TINY URL for this post:

Below are the working papers that have been posted for discussion in New York City, first with the Day of Rage team (it is neither a Day nor a Rage and it is all about electoral reform), then with the General Assembly at OccupyWallStreet, beginning with a handful of self-selected facilitators.

I will be driving a 1964 MGB, red in color, license VA MGB 64.  If we do the human megaphone, it should be around 1700 (5 pm) Thursday or 1100 Friday.

The best context for understanding what I hope to accomplish is provided by Tom Atlee in his Tom Atlee: Occupation Catalytic Butterfly.  My summary views are at Robert Steele on Russia TV: Occupy Wall Street & Electoral Reform, General Strike Needed?

My Interpretation of the Emerging Message:

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.

ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.

SUNSHINE CABINET is the method.

INTEGRITY is the core value.


Document Form

NYC A Message and Method One Page.doc
NYC B Electoral Reform Act 1 Page 9 Points 2.2.doc
NYC C Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today.doc
NYC D Seven Promises to America.doc
NYC E Citizen in Search of Integrity.doc
NYC F Integral Government in a Box.doc

 Online Full Text for Google Translate

Robert Steele: OccupyWallStreet Message and Method

2011 Electoral Reform Act 2.2 (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Graphic: Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today

Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This?

Robert Steele: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Reference: Steele at Huffington Post Updated

See Also:

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Patrick Meier: Ushahidi Emergent as Democracy in Being

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Hacking, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Reform, Serious Games, Technologies, Threats, Tools
Patrick Meier

Theorizing Ushahidi: An Academic Treatise

[This is an excerpt taken from Chapter 1 of my dissertation]

Activists are not only turning to social media to document unfolding events, they are increasingly mapping these events for the world to bear witness. We’ve seen this happen in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and beyond. My colleague Alexey Sidorenko describes this new phenomenon as a “mapping reflex.” When student activists from Khartoum got in touch earlier this year, they specifically asked for a map, one that would display their pro-democracy protests and the government crackdown. Why? They wanted the world to see that the Arab Spring extended to the Sudan.

The Ushahidi platform is increasingly used to map information generated by crowds in near-real time like the picture depicted above. Why is this important? Because live public maps can help synchronize shared awareness, an important catalyzing factor of social movements, according to Jürgen Habermas. Recall Habermas’s treaties that “those who take on the tools of open expression become a public, and the presence of a synchronized public increasingly constrains un-democratic rulers while expanding the right of that public.”

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: Ushahidi Emergent as Democracy in Being”

Event: Occupy Wall Street – Sept 17, 2011

10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Corporations, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Reform

Response from Adbusters reader: “A week after the anniversary of 9-11 you're going to piss off the NYPD in the most sensitive area of NYC? Good luck with all that… bring bactine.”

Comment:  There has to be plenty of police that are also fed up with Wall Street. Play nice.

Also see

Reference: Smart Nation Act (Simplified) 2011

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Congressional Research Service, Ethics, General Accountability Office, Hill Letters & Testimony, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Key Players, Legislation, Memoranda, Methods & Process, Mobile, Office of Management and Budget, Officers Call, Open Government, Policies, Policy, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Real Time, Reform, Research resources, Resilience, Serious Games, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Threats
Click on Image to Enlarge

Original Online (.doc 1 page)

John Steiner: Celebrating Chalmers Johnson

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Corporations, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, History, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Reform, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Strategy, Waste (materials, food, etc)
John Steiner

Best of TomDispatch: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire

Chalmers Johnson (RIP), 7 August 2011


Three Good Reasons to Liquidate Our Empire and Ten Steps to Take to Do So

1. We Can No Longer Afford Our Postwar Expansionism

2. We Are Going to Lose the War in Afghanistan and It Will Help Bankrupt Us

3. We Need to End the Secret Shame of Our Empire of Bases

. . . . . . . .

Chalmers Johnson

10 Steps Toward Liquidating the Empire (Abridged)

Dismantling the American empire would, of course, involve many steps. Here are ten key places to begin:

1. We need to put a halt to the serious environmental damage done by our bases planet-wide. We also need to stop writing SOFAs that exempt us from any responsibility for cleaning up after ourselves.

2. Liquidating the empire will end the burden of carrying our empire of bases and so of the “opportunity costs” that go with them — the things we might otherwise do with our talents and resources but can't or won't.

3. As we already know (but often forget), imperialism breeds the use of torture.  Dismantling the empire would potentially mean a real end to the modern American record of using torture abroad.

4. We need to cut the ever-lengthening train of camp followers, dependents, civilian employees of the Department of Defense, and hucksters — along with their expensive medical facilities, housing requirements, swimming pools, clubs, golf courses, and so forth — that follow our military enclaves around the world.

5. We need to discredit the myth promoted by the military-industrial complex that our military establishment is valuable to us in terms of jobs, scientific research, and defense. These alleged advantages have long been discredited by serious economic research. Ending empire would make this happen.

6. As a self-respecting democratic nation, we need to stop being the world's largest exporter of arms and munitions and quit educating Third World militaries in the techniques of torture, military coups, and service as proxies for our imperialism.

7. Given the growing constraints on the federal budget, we should abolish the Reserve Officers' Training Corps and other long-standing programs that promote militarism in our schools.

8. We need to restore discipline and accountability in our armed forces by radically scaling back our reliance on civilian contractors, private military companies, and agents working for the military outside the chain of command and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Ending empire would make this possible.

9. We need to reduce, not increase, the size of our standing army and deal much more effectively with the wounds our soldiers receive and combat stress they undergo.

10. To repeat the main message of this essay, we must give up our inappropriate reliance on military force as the chief means of attempting to achieve foreign policy objectives.

Read full article with many links…

The Impact Today and Tomorrow of Chalmers Johnson

Steve Clemons

The Washington Note, 21 November 2010

Read full summary….

Phi Beta Iota:  The second article is a stunning review of the intellectual life of Chalmers Johnson, who was among many things a net assessments analyst for Allen Dulles.  He pioneered the study of “State Capitalism” and considered the US to be a greatly under-performing economy for its failure to move away from military unilateralism and toward sustainable development.


Robert Steele: The Virgin Truth (Old)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Fact Sheets, Hacking, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Reform, Strategy, Threats

OBE See Instead: 2012 Robert Steele for Richard Branson: The Virgin Truth 2.6

Robert David STEELE Vivas

There is a very talented author, journalist, and speaker, Mike Southon, who publishes in the Financial Times.  One of his articles, “Perfect Pitch,” 7 March 2009 was instrumental in crafting the below one-page “pitch.”  Mike's four web sites:

Short Persistent URL for this post (The Virgin Truth):


Click on Image to Enlarge

One-Pager Online Updated

Koko: Bloomberg & Soros Do Wrong Thing Righter

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Methods & Process, Reform

Can George Soros, Michael Bloomberg save New York's troubled young men?

CSM, 4 August 2011

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a $127.5 million plan Thursday to help young black and Hispanic men. The effort includes money from financier George Soros and his philanthropy.


Socioeconomic and Health issues



Read more….

Koko signs:  Smart men both, but neither of them has a holistic understanding of system design.  In the jungle, connectivity matters.  King of the Reflexive Practice Jungle, Dr. Russell Ackoff, would say this is a magnificent example of doing the wrong thing righter.  Paying to connect these young men to a broken system makes no sense–funding them to build a new system to displace the broken one–now that is reflexivity.  Good intentions, bad design.  We have just two questions.

1.  Has anyone asked the young men what they want?

2.  In the context of a city failing the resilience test and likely to experience near-catastrophic unemployment in the middle class over the next ten years, is there a strategy for resilience?

See Also:

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