Michel Bauwens: Integrity & Regional/Global Change

Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Policies, Policy, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Real Time, Serious Games, Strategy, Threats
Michel Bauwens

Integrity is becoming part of the global agenda.  I especially recommend Christian Arnsperger and Mark Whitaker for interesting takes on this.

Toward a Bioregional State (Online Summary)

Whitaker argues that the basis of environmental degradation is not capitalism or market relations. Environmental degradation is supremely caused by unrepresentative state elite decisions and how they manipulate markets to serve particular consolidated materials, so solutions should focus on additional formal checks and balances against these informal ‘ecological tyrannies', via more green constitutional engineering.

Toward a Bioregional State: A Series of Letters About Political Theory and Formal Institutional Design in the Era of Sustainability (Book)

Six Framework Conditions for Global Systemic Change

“The main framework conditions that I believe would be needed for a genuine transition to a sustainable pluri-economy to get off the ground:


Marcin Jakubowski: Open-sourced blueprints for civilization

About the Idea, Augmented Reality, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), IO Deeds of War, IO Technologies, Methods & Process, Policies, Reform, Standards, Technologies, Tools

Open Source Ecology — 50 Open Source Tools for Resilience

Industrial productivity can be achieved on a small scale….it just requires open source design.  A single DVD is a civilization starter kit.

Interactive Transcript

About The Speaker

About This Talk

Using wikis and digital fabrication tools, TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines, allowing anyone to build their own tractor or harvester from scratch. And that's only the first step in a project to write an instruction set for an entire self-sustaining village (starting cost: $10,000).

Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Strategy
Howard Rheingold

Harold Jarche » Network Learning: Working Smarter

At its core, network learning is a way to deal with an ever-increasing amount of digital information. It requires an open attitude toward learning and finding new things. Each worker needs to develop individualized processes of filing, classifying and annotating information for later retrieval.

Source: www.jarche.com

Network Learning: Working Smarter

Posted on October 22nd, 2010 by Harold Jarche

Click on Image to Enlarge

“In the period ahead of us, more important than advances in computer design will be the advances we can make in our understanding of human information processing – of thinking, problem solving, and decision making…” ~ Herbert Simon, Economics Nobel-prize winner (1968)

The World Wide Web is changing how many of us do our work as we become more connected to information and each other. In California, Ray Prock, Jr. (2010) uses a Web-based note system to store messages, manage his financial risk and stay on top of the multiple factors necessary to run a successful dairy farm. He is constantly learning as he works and has found a method to keep up, thanks to the Internet.

Continue reading “Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning”

Big Prick Corruption vs. Little Prick Faux Pas

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), IO Impotency
Chuck Spinney Recommends...

.. or why a little weiner is as necessary to the functioning of Versailles on the Potomac as the circus was to a Roman Empire in its decline.

Nation of Weiners

Jun 17, 2011

By Peter Z. Scheer

I pretty much lost it while watching David Gergen, a veteran of the Nixon White House, trying to make sense of sexting. The CNN analyst surely witnessed his share of villainy in that administration and the three others he served in, and he probably has no problem comprehending something like the illegal bombing of Cambodia or the near-elimination of welfare. But who sends pictures of his penis to strangers?

A lot of people, as it turns out. There is a culture gap in this country, between people who are happy to enjoy what’s left of their privacy and people who just don’t think about it. It’s not that No. 1 NBA draft pick Greg Oden wanted to expose his penis to fans—it just never occurred to him that anybody but his lady friend would get a peek. There are a number of professional athletes—and at least one politician—for whom the previous sentence would work.

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: The pornographic criminally insane behavior of the senior politicians is vastly more harmful and costly that a little weiner on Twitter.  This is the core point.  There is no “sense” in Washington, it is all theater of the absurd fronting for the on-going looting and depraved indifference of the few at the expense of the many.


Worth a Look (DVD): One Man, One Cow, One Planet

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Amazon Page

Home Page of DVD

Phi Beta Iota: The industrialization/ chemicalization of agriculture, in combination with the corruption of every aspect of society beginning with governance and extending to the media, has allowed for the desecration of the Earth and the poisoning of humanity.  This has been done with the explicit consent and encouragement of the so-called elites of the West, who have a vision of eugenics and the covert eradication of the poor and uneducated over time.  These elites do not see that the brainpower of the three billion poor is the only thing that can restore natural harmony and sustainable agriculture as well as legitimate governance and natural capitalism.  The time has come to create M4IS2–public intelligence in the public interest.

In “borderless” cyberspace, nation states struggle — M4IS2 Anyone?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Augmented Reality, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Computer/online security, Corporations, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Geospatial, History, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Key Players, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Policy, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Real Time, Reform, Research resources, Serious Games, Standards, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, Whole Earth Review
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Analysis: In “borderless” cyberspace, nation states struggle

By Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent

Reuters LONDON | Thu Jun 9, 2011


“The nature of cyberspace is borderless and anonymous,” R. Chandrasekhara, secretary of India's telecommunications department, told a cyber security conference in London last week organised by a U.S.-based think tank, the EastWest Institute. “Governments, countries and law — all are linked to territory. There is a fundamental contradiction.”

Read full article….

Tip of the Hat to Chris Pallaris at LinkedIn.

Phi Beta Iota: The national secret intelligence communities mean well, but they are cognitively and culturally incapacitated  in relation to both the global threats and the global infomation sharing and sense-making possibilities.  It may just be that the solution has to come from a private sector service of common concern that can provide the integrity now lacking in governments and most corporation.  Scary thought.  M4IS2 is inevitable….delay is costing trillions.

US Borders are NOT Secure–Just Dangerous

08 Wild Cards, Analysis, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Misinformation & Propaganda, Officers Call, Policies, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Threats
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

Tip of the iceberg, no doubt….

Authorities take gunfire on border with MexicoAn

Phi Beta Iota: The President's declaration that the border is “safe” has inspired a sense of disbelief and even scorn among those who know that it simply is not so.  This level of “cognitive dissonance” now characterizes informed public reactions to most of what the President says on any issue.  There is only one cure:  he needs intelligence with integrity. Or not.

See Also:

Border Global Incidents Scroll and Map